Mayor Kant Says A Municipal School System's Still Possible


In his recent State of the City address, Mayor Kant said its "yet to be determined whether the city will be in the school business or not." He said if the taxpayers of Baldwin County don't support county schools properly, the city may have to take another look at the issue.


Kant said he had been having discussions about what to do with the historic Church St. building after it closes in 2 months.

Kant  said he wanted to keep the building in use somehow,  as a school or otherwise.

(Leslie Tarabella, President of the Save The K-1 Organization, was in the audience.)


Anonymous said…
Fairhope can't even run itself without petty bickering, name calling and accusations, how in the heck do they think they can run a school?
Anonymous said…
I guess since you used the word "heck" you got your "GED"
Anonymous said…
there's a name for what you call petty bickering. its called democracy. you should turn the tv off and participate sometimes vice just staying home and complaining.
Anonymous said…
Huh...if people don't support the Baldwin Co school system properly??? Didn't they just sucker people in to voting for a new sales tax last year in Baldwin Co "for the schools?" Fairhope is wasting millions on the courthouse annex expansion...should have used that for schools.
Anonymous said…
Would you rather me use "how in the Hell?" I do have several degrees, and I do go to council meetings. Have tried to participate in several. Everyone in the state of Alabama knows what a joke the City of Fairhope has become.
Publisher said…
forget it. costs to much. can you say tax increase?