2012 Budget Committee Begins Work


At its first meeting, 2012 Budget Committee Chairman Stan Grubin said the committee would build the 4 goals ("challenges") outlined by Council President Lonnie Mixon at the last Council meeting into the new budget (maintain/improve the city's financial condition; incorporate water, road, sewer infrastructure improvements; merit/promotional raises for employees; and cancel garbage fees for one year); but added his committee could only make recommendations: the city council would get the chance to eventually approve or modify them all in the final budget.

Grubin pointed out that some of its goals/recommendations for the current year (2011), notably the privatization of garbage pick-up, never materialized -- and predicted the same would be the case next year.

The Mayor said he would prefer the full council approve the goals before proceeding; but Mixon thought the Committee already had such authority to proceed -- since it had been appointed by the Council.

Committee member Charles Zunk said the committee would budget for the lost garbage fees (about $1.3 million), but the council could choose later whether to waive all or just part of them -- or substitute some other tax-break measures in its place.


Anonymous said…
By state law the city council is responsible for the budget. The mayor has no authority in the budget process. It is only presented to the mayor as a courtesy.
Anonymous said…
Thank you Councilman Kingrea.