Next Fairhope Mayor's Salary Debated


Council President Mixon introduced an ordinance that would reduce the next mayor's salary; because the city now has an Administrator that runs the daily operations of the city -- under direction of the Mayor and Council.  Mixon said he studied the salary schedules of comparable cities to come up with the proposed the new salary ($30,000/year).


Mixon: "None of us own our positions  . . . could be six new people here . . . next time . . . Mayor Kant's done a great job . . . under adverse conditions . . . this has nothing to do with Mayor Kant himself. . . . just sound, frugal management of city resources."

Mixon went on tho say the next council could choose to raise the next Mayor's pay to whatever level it wanted: "We don't know who the next Mayor will be. Politics not a job . . . this country's based on volunteering . . . we're lucky to offer our services to the people . . .  not just a job for hire."


Councilmemeber Stankoski concurred saying he thought the problem nationally was a bunch of professional politicians were running the country, " . . . don't vote for good of the country . . . vote to keep their jobs and office . . . big salary isn't meant to attract them . . . either want to serve or not . . .  no one makes anyone run for office."

Councilmember Quinn agreed with Stankoski: " . . . don't want professional politicians siting up here . . . a big salary . . . sometimes makes that happen. . . administrator . . . takes pressure off the Mayor."

Councilmember Ford said he didn't understand why the others would want to reduce the pay, since he had heard 2 or 3 were considering running for Mayor next year.

(Publisher's Note: Kant also receives  $30,000/yr in retirement,  from the previous jobs he held with the city)


Anonymous said…
So they can raise the next mayor's salary if they like whoever wins? Doesn't sound political at all....
Anonymous said…
at present Mayor Kant is a part time mayor. he has his investment company in Mobile, draws $33,000.00 from Retirement Systems of Al and his income from being Mayor. this decision should be made for anyone holding this office. $30,000.00 is not bad for a part time job for anyone. but should not be any more than that.
Anonymous said…
For a part-time mayor, I see his car at City Hall a lot.
Anonymous said…
I think Lori Dubose should run for mayor. Time we had a woman in there to straighten things out.
Tea Party 2 said…
Amen to that. Term limits is necessary to.
Anonymous said…
I agree with the term limits for the mayor's position. and just because his car is outside city hall does not mean he is inside and available
Anonymous said…
Good point...I drive by city hall 4-5 times/day so when I see the mayor's car, I will call to see if he is in his office. I will do this every day for six weeks and give you a report.
Anonymous said…
We just need somebody who can get along with people, Tim counldn't get along with Bob Gentle and the last city council ether.