2% Employee Raises/Reducing Garbage Fees to be Considered

NEXT YEAR'S BUDGET  DISCUSSIONS  CONTINUE                                              

A 2% across-the-board raise and reducing/eliminating garbage fees for next year (only) -- are on the agenda for the Aug. 15th council work session, concerning policy issues (FY 2012 budget).

The cost for the raises was estimated to be about $300,000/yr.


Partially "self-insuring" employee healthcare (with no premium changes) could save the city up to $250,000 yearly.

Hiring 5 new employees (3 full times and 2 part time). 2 are police.

Transferring more from utilities to the general fund (up to 75%?) -- since utility "reserves" have increased.

Reducing flower-planting expenses (fewer "bulbs")

Legal expenses that are projected to be between $300,000 - $500,000 (mostly due to one case).


Anonymous said…
Hiring??? We should be going back to 2005 city employee levels...not hiring more! I'll give you the two additional cops, but geez...quit hiring while at the same time every tax and utility rate known to man keeps going up. Waiving garbage collection for 1 year...is that to "disguise" the utility rate increases that are about to hit?
Anonymous said…
If I am not mistaken, most of the new hires since 2005 have been police and fire, nix center, and rec center(new since 2005). The utility depts have remained basically the same, public works may have added a few.

So if you want to go back to 2005 levels, we need to layoff some police and fire officers, cut back on the old people's center, and close the rec center. Probably shut down the golf course as well. Getting rid of the handful of utility employees is probably not an option.
Anonymous said…
The city waived $622,000 in fees that should have been paid for use of city facilities and police and public works labor costs for both profit and non-profit entities and their fundraising events. I think there should not be any waivers granted. All entities raised significant funds and could have easily paid the reasonable fees the city charges. In these times the city can not afford to give away funds. And the garbage fees should not be waived. Cut collection to once a week and save those labor costs. Cut the $50,000 spent on tulip bulbs each year which only bloom for three weeks. Commonsense approaches. Not difficult.
Anonymous said…
Everbody gets a raise except seniors on social security as our utility bills and taxes go higher an higher to pay for the government worker's benefits.
Anonymous said…
Most of the workers I've seen at the rec center look to be part-time teenagers...so I doubt that added too many to the overall full-time payroll of the city. Don't cut back on flowers...that's what the city is known for...that and petty mayor-council squabbles.

In the private sector these days, if you asked for a raise they'd laugh in your face and tell you to be happy you have a job. Gov employees aren't privileged because their bosses can just keep raising taxes and fees. Wait for the economy to improve (when Obama leaves office) like everyone else.
Anonymous said…
I told my boss to give me a raise or else...I got the raise:)