Domestic Violence Up Last Month in Fairhope

JUNE CRIME REPORT                                              

Police Chief Press said recently that domestic violene cases rose in June (from 12 to 17) and he was "discouraged by that number."

Press reported 4 commercial and 4 residential burglaries during the month; and 22 vehicle burglaries, all when the car doors were left unlocked.


Press said officers answered 134 false burglar alarms, but 110 of those were canceled with officers (2) en-route.


Several thefts from boathouses on the bay were recently solved when two juveniles were arrested. Press gave credit to Corporal Nolte's special investigative techniques for apprehending the suspects.


Anonymous said…
people should be fined for too many false alarms.
Anonymous said…
when will people learn to lock their doors and stop leaving valuables in their vehicles.
Anonymous said…
I wish the individual who ran for city council in the last election and lost would take note that our chief is attentive to the public's problems and is on top of any situation. The individual should support city employees instead of speaking bad about them.