Auburn University to Help Find Beach Pollution Sources

UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR CONSULTED                                    

Mayor Kant told the city council he intends to enlist the aid of a professor at Auburn University to help identify the sources of the bacteria that causes the frequent closing of Fairhope area beach waters following heavy rains.

Kant: "I met with a professor . . . going to get back with him next week . . . to do DNA tracking . . . to find sources."

Kant said he should have more information at the next council meeting.

Runoff into Fly and Rock Creek is thought to be a prime source; and DNA testing could help determine whether the origins are human or animal.

More detailed testing may be able  narrow it down further -- to species.

(Faulty septic tanks, farm animal/fertilizer runoff, wildlife, boat discharges, and defects at the city's sewage treatment plant have all been mentioned as possible sources.)


Anonymous said…
Did we have this many closures before Publix? MMMMMMMMM
Anonymous said…
you don't need a phd to figure out its coming from cow poop and liquid fertilizers used on the big farms there. Auburn's too! Hope they don't whitewash it.
Anonymous said…
thats right. why would we want to let Auburn do the testing if their farm is a possible source? Fox guarding henhouse?
jugheadjones said…
Maybe Auburn could pay the city $180-200k to keep this quiet. Why does that amount seem familiar? Hmmm.....................