Fairhope Marina Business Given 30 Days to Reduce Amplified Noise

FLY CREEK CAFE                                                  

Councilman Mike Ford said he (and Councilman Mixon) met with the owner of the Fly Creek Cafe recently and decided to give her one more month to find a solution -- before considering lowering the maximum noise level limits.

Several nearby homeowners have been complaining the current limit is too high, particularly concerning low frequency sounds made by bands who perform there -- which can travel miles depending on wind direction/atmospheric conditions..

The police are now using a measuring instrument (db meter) and no noise citations have been issued in the area recently.

Ford: " We'll watch things next month . . . consider lowering the decibel level after . . ."


Anonymous said…
We were there last Saturday night and watched someone monitor the decibel levels the entire time the band played.

The band could barely be heard and we were seated on the beach area.

I find it hard to believe that homeowners nearby could hear the music much less find it offensive.

Once again - the people in Fairhope and the city council need to find something more important to focus their energy on.

Surely there are more important issues in this little town than the barely audible music coming from Fly Creek.
Anonymous said…
Its obvious, the problem isn't the noise level, its the pitiful little wood/metal building that was never meant to house a nightclub. Instead of hiring Attorneys why not everybody pitch in to soundproof the place? Fortify walls, add soundproofing material, etc.

This scenario is playing out all over town and is sure to spread and get worse as more night clubs locate downtown. The good old days are gone for good.

The old buildings were never designed for this purpose.
Anonymous said…
No more night clubs! Good for nothing but enabling a bunch of drunks to get on the road and kill someone in a head on collision.
Anonymous said…
Some people don't like to hear the truth, but these sort of problems started up when Wal Mart moved in to town. It changes a place.
Anonymous said…
No, these things happened when the council told business owners that their places of business was public and not private and ordered them to not allow smoking inside anymore. This forced owners to get creative and create these outdoor patios and decks for the bands to play and smoking to be allowed.

The unintended consequences of government

Bringing in Walmart, giving people another place to shop, did not create this. You elitest types are too funny.
Anonymous said…
Can we have a band in the parking lot at Walmart? That would be awesome...... Clean Music 2012....lets rock and roll....
Anonymous said…
Unfortunately, the folks on Volanta would still complain. And the elitist would say, "See, I told you Walmart was for trashy people".
Anonymous said…
Wal mart has destroyed many towns before this one in the same way.
Curtis Clark said…
To blame WalMart is absurd. People honestly believe that Fairhope is exempt from growth. Truth be told, there is a new generation of Fairhopians, (25-45) that dont want to roll up the sidewalks at 9 pm. Move over, we are the majority now...