Fairhope Police Committee Questions Validity of New Complaints


Some members of the Police Advisory Committee expressed doubts about new hostile work environment complaints made against Chief Press by 2 officers (who recently met with the Mayor and Councilman Ford at a fire station); and suggested it may be part of a politically motivated plan to replace the Chief and Assistant Chief.

Member Hutchinson
: "... is somebody being told to do something ... and they are resisting? My concern is ... this undermines ... the ability to run the police department."

"You can't have your hands tied behind your back -- politically"

Chief Press answered in the affirmative: " . . . all their (hostile environment) allegations are made up . . . specifically to disrupt."

"I'm sworn to uphold the constitution ... and laws ... goal is to get the department accredited."

Hutchinson said he has seen a dramatic improvements in the Police Department the last 2 years -- and worried about a return to a "good old boy system."

Hutchinson: "That would be offensive to me. I'm from Alabama. I can say that."

Press said he saw it as a moral issue -- ethical vs unethical -- and expressed confidence in the outcome of the independent investigation now underway into the matter (by Personnel Board member Lorenzo Howard).


Press said one of the 2 officers currently involved had been found sleeping on duty four times -- and both allegedly lied to internal affairs investigators: a matter that could be used by criminal defendants in future court cases to impeach officer's testimony, Press said.

Press: "They say its a hostile environment . . . it must be me . . . because I'm saying . . . they can't lie . . .  ."

(Publisher's Note: When asked if "fixing" traffic tickets is an issue, Press replied he flatly refuses to do it.  According to informed sources, this was another early source of conflict between Press and some politicians at City Hall.)


Anonymous said…
Who should I call to get my ticket taken care of?
Anonymous said…
Complaints about police behavior dismissed by police? YOU DON'T SAY
Anonymous said…
No wonder the 'good ol boy' network, Kant and Ford want to get rid of this guy! So glad he is here!
Anonymous said…
Thank God Chris Warner is not the Mayor......
Anonymous said…
"Miami Boy?" Wow. Thought this "man" was in his late 50's?? Come's to show how "proffesional" this department really is. Shame.
Anonymous said…
Fact is , every small alabama town has its good old boy system for better or worse. its rooted in our racist past.
Anonymous said…
I will leave town if Chris Warner gets elected to anything.
Anonymous said…
The AL Supreme Court just sent Fairhope back to the Stone Age. The last person who needs to be in charge of hiring, disciplining, and firing in Fairhope is Mayor Tim "Boss Hog" Kant. He and Mike Ford need run out of town.
The citizens of Fairhope get what they deserve if they re-elect those two crooks that have consistently used the tax payer’s money and their political power for personal gain.
The Mayor's no-bid contracts: Wolf Bay, Tony's Towing, Pittman Tractor Co., Hand Arendall, (need I go on...), attorney fees that are out of control (no contracts or oversight, $350/hr to Hand Arendall attorney’s [who contributed to his 2008 campaign, according to public records] - Come on!), and personal land deals for additional courthouse parking, purchased at almost double the appraised value of the property, in Mike Ford's pocket (Summer of 2008); how convenient for him, are just a few of their transgressions. The ones I’ve read about. They are not secrets, and I could go on and on.
Is everyone else out there asleep or something, because no one seems to be paying any attention to what is going on?
And while I’m at it, how about getting a Municipal Judge that isn't personal friends with the Good Ole Boys - hunting camp trips, golfing, etc... If you want a fair system - know the players - and don't stand for the crap that is being dished out. If someone has done something wrong and needs to be fired, they shouldn’t get away with it because the Judge is personal friends with someone or because he owes someone a favor. Yes, this means you Municipal Court Judge Haymes Snedeker! Stick with reality golf shows on TV if you can’t be ethical and honest in real life! Letting Officer Avera off because you're friends with Captain (at the time) Comalander and others – who do you think you’re kidding? Shame on you and the people who showed the poor judgment to appoint you!
Like him and his personality or not Chief Press is ethical and so is Asst. Chief Sanders. I guess that's why the Mayor wants them gone and has tried just about everything to make that happen. He can't make his friends/cronies traffic tickets & arrest reports go away anymore. Boo hoo! Press and Sanders should be allowed to do their jobs without hindrance from the Mayor.
Heaven forbid Chief Press and Asst. Chief Sanders hold Police Officers accountable for their actions, with a code of conduct and ethical standards; trying to make officers do their jobs correctly and expecting them not to lie during internal affairs investigations. All the "good ole boy" officers need to go (2/3 of the dept.), for them it's just a power trip anyway with a huge undeserved paycheck. Fire them! Then give pay raises to the officers who are ethical and doing all the work - they DESERVE it (that's why it's called a MERIT raise).
Which reminds me, could someone please make the Mayor explain why he compared a merit system to college tenure??? – does he even know what that means? If he is suggesting that you should EARN a pay increase, like a college professor has to earn his or her tenure, then yes I would agree – but in that case – shouldn’t he be for a Merit System instead of AGAINST it???
This isn't rocket science people. When are Fairhopian's going to finally say "ENOUGH"?
Elect a Mayor that will let the Chief of Police do his job; hiring, supervising, disciplining, and firing his employees as needed and by a fair process. What business does a Mayor, who is a gardener by trade, have supervising a Police Department, especially when he is one of the biggest crooks Fairhope has ever seen!!! This is common sense folks! Ugh!