Municipal Judge Resigns Police Oversight Job

SNEDECKER STEPS DOWN                                      

The city's Personnel Attorney Paul Myrick told the Personnel Committee that Judge Haymes Snedeker had stepped down from his position as investigator for police personnel matters, after consulting state law and an Attorney General's opinion that indicated Judges could not serve in that capacity.


After a lengthy discussion,  it was decided to recommend to the City Council that it authorize the Mayor and Chief Press to collaborate on his replacement.  Press said the knew of an Assistant Chief in the Mobile Police Department who is willing to serve in that capacity.

The committee deemed it important to have an independent and unbiased outside investigator look into such matters.

When asked by the Times after the meeting, Mayor Kant said:  " . . .  fine with me, as long as Mobile's Police Chief approves of it too."

Kant said it has always been traditional to have outside police agencies help investigate internal police matters here (ie Daphne PD).


After hearing the opinion of attorney Myrick, it was recommended the Personnel Committee would hear the final appeal for all of the city's disciplined employees. Reportedly there are six such appeals in process, one with the water department and five police.

The committee requested a "packet" describing case history be provided to them at the beginning of such appeal meetings (rather than going in "cold") and up to five days be given for consideration of the case --when it may uphold, overturn or modify the disciplinary decision before it.

Appeals concerning "job performance" (vs. "good name and character") should  be open to the public, according to Myrick.


Anonymous said…
Press and Kant cant agree on anything.
Anonymous said…
Press is trying to get rid of the legendery Good Ole Boy corps. in the PD. Trouble is, many Fairhopers like the G.O.B system, as long as they themslves benefit from it ...
Anonymous said…
It's a classic case of the B.O.B trying to take over the G.O.B's territory. Turning Fairhope into Westside long as they aren't too loud. Keep the decibels under 70 please
Anonymous said…
I hope the appeals process is open to the public so that everyone can finally see how the Mayor has been protecting a bunch of harassing, racist, incompetent thug/nitwits and paying them tax payer dollars, because he refused to let Chief Press and Assistant Chief Sanders go forward with termination. Some of these people should have been fired a decade or so ago. Mayor Kant basically sets Fairhope up for one law suit right after the other, in rapid succession. It’s just that no-one was paying any attention until “Outsiders” (as they’ve been labeled) like Assistant Chief Sanders and Chief Press started pointing these things out to everyone. The very first thing the Mayor asked Chief Press to do, once he was sworn in as Chief, was to “fix” a ticket for one of his friends, to which the Chief replied “I don’t do that”.

The Mayor's crown is sliding off his head because all his dirty little secrets are coming out and he has told so many lies he can't keep track of them all - of course he is trying to play nice right now, he just wants another shot at election time. I hope everyone thinks long and hard about how much Mayor Kant has cost the taxpayers over the years before they vote. I am sure his legal fees alone are outrageous ($350 per hour to Hand Arendall attorneys without a contract + fees for Caine O'rear $1.2 million!, which the city insurer refuses to pay) and what about making the tax payers foot the bill for Chief Press' defense attorney because the Mayor falsely accused him & then wouldn’t allow the city attorney to defend him, he was also going to use tax payer money to pay for his attorney in the same case until it was pointed out and he got embarrassed. So far I haven’t even moved away from legal matters, the list is too big to fit here, that’s for sure. Forget about him being a crook, the cost to the city alone is reason enough to get rid of Kant.

I can't wait for the fireworks that are about to go off when the slime ball (Kant) is finally federally indicted. All of a sudden his flunkies are going to start holding up their right hands and "swearing to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me God", because they don't want to go to prison and he has cut them loose when they became liabilities to him - so they have been sitting around bored, with no nice fat city paychecks, seething and waiting for their chance to tell all they know. Someone should sell tickets - they would make millions - I know I can't wait to see him go down - the last time I checked, the constitution is supposed to protect citizens of the United States from all threats foreign and domestic - so I would like to know what happened here? Why can't a little bitty beautiful diverse community like Fairhope stand up against vile opportunistic New Jersey/Ole South Wannabe ridiculous self-serving scum crooks like Mayor Tim Kant and Councilman Mike Ford? It is well past their time to go, and maybe now at least one of them is about to go to jail where he belongs. Don't let the door hit you in the rear-end on the way out Mayor!