Personnel Committee Rules For Employee


After an disciplinary appeal hearing this morning for Water Department Employee Sean Black -- the Personnel Committee decided to overturn his 3 day suspension without pay. Only a written reprimand was imposed ("conversation letter").

Two witnesses were called: Black's junior assistant during one of the incidents and his immediate supervisor.

Dept. Manger Dan McCrory said Black disobeyed instructions when he allowed water from fire hydrants he was flushing on two separate occasions to flow excessively onto nearby private property; Black said he had never received formal instructions on the procedure and had been doing it the same way for years.

Black speculated a claim that has been filed against the city by an affected  resident may have been a factor in the matter.

CLAIM FILED AGAINST CITY                                          

The Country Woods subdivision resident; who was showing her home to a potential buyer at the time of the incident near her home, has filed a damage claim against the city --  for unspecified damages.


When asked by the Times how he felt after the decision, Black: "It feels good!"


Similar hearings are being scheduled for 6 police officers.


Anonymous said…
Why did they put a fire hydrant in the middle of his yard anyway?
Anonymous said…
It would be interesting to know the property owner in question and her relation to a current or former G.O.B. or B.O.B. member(s).
Anonymous said…
I am glad Chris Warner is not an elected official. He is a member of D.U.H.
Anonymous said…
Can you spell I need a college degree......
Anonymous said…
The City needs a PE running the water/sewer area. Fire hydrants in the wrong place....duh....
Publisher said…
According to county land records, the property is owned by Joseph and Kim Vosicky.
Anonymous said…
Chris Warner actually graduated top of his class from DOH University under the tutelage of the renowned laureate, Homer Simpson
Anonymous said…
After reading the action taken by the head of the water department, I beleive the Department Head should be replaced. Why didn't the Department Head insure his people know how to properly flush the fire hydrants? There is weak leadership in the Water and Sewer Department. I agree we need a PE to head the Depaentrtm.