Fairhope Council Decides Against New Year's Eve Noise Waiver

By a 3-1 vote the city council decided not to waive the city's (50db) night time noise ordinance on New Year's Eve. Councilmember Quinn had proposed waiving the ordinance from 10PM - 1230 AM.

Mayor Kant said he thought alcohol abuse was a large part of the after hours noise problem.

Kant: " ... its not only  noise ... its alcohol serving ... people are getting wild out there on the streets . . .  ."

Councilman Ford was not present.


Anonymous said…
This is sad!
Anonymous said…
Let's get LOUD on New Years Eve!
Anonymous said…
It's more than sad...Fairhope is becoming a police/Nazi state...I will boycott all of Fairhope's events as long as they continue with this nonsense, and will spread the word around as much as possible!!!!
Anonymous said…
I love that these people will not be there in the near future. The 21-36 age group will be out in great numbers come voting time.
Anonymous said…
this is so silly. why cant everybody just follow the laws like adults?
Anonymous said…
How is the city going to have its own New years Celebration? I heard on the radio they will be shooting fireworks and I'm sure fireworks exceed the noise level. Plus they normally have a band playing which would also be too noisy. Maybe like all politicians do, the laws they pass only pertain to everyone else not them.
Anonymous said…
Good! I moved to Fairhope to raise my children in a peaceful and safe environment. If you want to be loud, go to Downtown Mobile, please. These businesses knew Fairhope's family friendly environment when they opened their in our community. You should adapt to Fairhope, not expect Fairhope to adapt to you. I love Fly Creek and the other establishments that are prtesting this, but I can't support the party environment.
Anonymous said…
I support the city council's decision. We believe in the rule of law and believe this city has been heading in the wrong direction, becoming a drunken watering hole for kids and tourists.
Anonymous said…
I am sure that all the people advocating a high noise level live outside the city. Those of us that have to put up with the noise are also the ones that pay huge taxes to live in Fairhope. Go make noise in your own neighborhood!
Anonymous said…
We never had problms like this before Wal mart and the other big box stores came to town. The good old days are gone for good. :(
Anonymous said…
Please read the article before commenting. This was only for one day, New Years Eve. The ordinance would still be in effect the remainder of the year. Yes businesses did know that Fairhope is family friendly just like many other communities but the ordinance was passed after the businesses established themselves. This is the part that may not be fair.
T said…
You mean to tell me that this is the big box store's fault? Oh please! Get out from under your rock and LOOK at the world around you. These comments are so sad and make our city look so ignorant. I am a college student who is home for a month from New York and I am almost ashamed of how much of a police and totalitarian state my beloved Fairhope has become. One of these businesses is helping pay for my education and you want to limit local commerce by limiting what they can and cannot do on NYE? Shame on you for even considering bringing the big box stores into this. Whatever happened to "shop local", city council?
Anonymous said…
i, too, live in Fairhope to raise my family in a quiet environment. To the complainers: there is still time to drive over to Mobile to get drunk and make noise.
Anonymous said…
According to several sources on the internet, "normal conversation is about 60 db." "inside a moving car is about 70 db." Sooo... If the inside of a moving car is 70 db wouldn't it seem the noise produced outside of the car would be a little louder?? A maximum noise level of 50 db is ridiculous. Are they going to give citations to every moving vehicle? God forbid we need to use our horn.... Or talk.
Anonymous said…
I don't care about this at all. It's a tempest in a teapot.
Anonymous said…
For all you silly people that think music is evil for "the party people" to get drunk? Go to Mobile? My head is spinning! Do you have an education or just stupid? I am a big supporter of keeping your dollars local and supporting the local businesses. They pay the taxes for you family to have nice things in Fairhope! I moved here for the great and safe city atmospher! I thought everyone was friendly...I am finding this different! My new years resolution is to meet these city officals and tell them how much I love Fairhope and to leave this law alone! Spend your time on other important things!

Sincerely, From a new Fairhope resident over 50!!!!!
Anonymous said…
Can't wait until the book writer "warner" runs for something. ready to let it "roll tide roll.
Anonymous said…
Pray for Fairhope and all the sinners. Jesus saves.