"Complete Streets" Guru Visits Fairhope

Fairhope, Alabama                                              

Dan Burden, a nationally recognized consultant on how to make cities more walkable/bikeable evaluated some of Fairhope's streets and intersections recently and presented results to interested citizens at the civic center afterward.

Fairhope resident and Smart Coast co-founder Charlene Lee made some comments folllowing Burden's presentation.

When asked by a Times reporter to give Fairhope a grade, Burden replied; "Very good, for those streets I saw." Burden concentrated mostly on recently-paved downtown area streets that have yet to be striped.

Lee said she hoped the city would work to adopt Burden's "complete streets" principles city-wide.

Burden's entire presentation and Lee's closing remarks:


Anonymous said…
He must not have ridden down any of these newly paved streets at night. They are so black, that w/o lines, you really don't know where you are in relation to the right lane you are suppose to be in. Not marking lines in the streets is one of the most stupid things I have heard of.
Anonymous said…
this will never happen. speeding suv's rule the roads of this town. always have.
Anonymous said…
Stupid is a PHD in Urban Studies and not using it......right Dr, Warnnnnnnnnnnnnnner.....
Anonymous said…
I think I speak for everyone who doesn't care about the fringe element in this City when I say: stop with the Chris Warner references. Some of us like to read what is going on in Fairhope and read the comments without bringing him into every story.
Anonymous said…
If you don't like comments about the founder of Clean sweeeeper 2012...go back to the srabble. Dr. Warnnnnnner is a legend in his own mind.