Mayor's Supporter Says Fire Police Chief Press, Not Officers

Fairhope, Alabama                                                          


Saying they are "friends of mine," county resident Willie Foster, owner of the Biscuit King Fun Barn restaurant on CR 24. south of town, told a Times reporter he thought Police Chief Bill Press should be fired; and the six officers now facing termination, retained.

Foster said he had no other complaints against Press, other than his efforts to terminate his friends.


Foster's donation to Kant
Foster at first denied having any political connections -- but when confronted with campaign finance records, finally admitted he had donated to Mayor Kant's campaign fund. Foster had issued denials in previous media reports as well (Fairhope Courier).

Reporter: "Did you ever donate to Mayor Kant's campaign?"

Foster: "No I have not."

After his donation was exposed, Foster called councilman Mike Ford a "friend of mine" as well. Both Kant and Ford have openly advocated for Press' removal.


Asked if he personally knew now-retired Fairhope Police Captain Steve Griffis, Foster said he did -- but then became belligerent when asked if he (Griffis) should have been made Police Chief instead of Press.

Foster: "I don't think that's any of your business. I'd advise you to move on down (the street). You are asking for trouble."                      

Foster claimed that neither the Mayor or Councilman Ford, had encouraged him to mount this protest.

Since Foster does not live within the city limits, he cannot vote in Fairhope elections.

(Publisher's Note: In similar public demonstrations back in 2009, the Mayor, Ford and a group of citizens had publicly advocated for then-Captain Steve Griffis to become Police Chief. (click))


Foster refused to talk about specifics of the officers' pending disciplinary cases, but implied he thought some of the charges  (according to prior media reports) were not serious enough to warrant termination.

Reporter: "If they did that, should they be fired?"

Foster: "Was Bill Clinton fired for what he did?"

"I would have sex out here right now if I thought it was a good thing to do!"

Chief Press has so-far only publicly identified sleeping on duty multiple times -- and lying to internal affairs investigators as the primary reasons for the proposed terminations. Police department issues are reviewed by an independent agent (Chief Barber of the Mobile Police Department), then officers may appeal to the city's Personnel Board if they desire to do so. Two such appeals are currently pending.


Anonymous said…
I support his right to get his crazy on in public. Just ignore him or run him over. Your choice.
Anonymous said…
oh no! a Paul Ripp clone!
Anonymous said…
I say get rid of all of them. They are all crooked. They stop and search a car, take money out of the glove compartment, it's your word against theirs. Who do you think is going to win?
Anonymous said…
That is the funniest thing I have seen in a while.

I am told that he visited the Mayor right before he took the streets
Anonymous said…
Looks alot like Dr. Warrrrnner...must be a co chairs of clean sweepper 2012.....I think they should start their own Mardi Gras Group. It can be called order of the fruit loops.....
Anonymous said…
He has a right to be an idiot...we have a right not to visit his restaurant.
Anonymous said…
i applaud mr foster for not wearing ladies attire when carrying his sign. that is professionalism
Anonymous said…
Where do all these nuts come from? We need to clean sweep the nuts from Fairhope!!! Warner, Ripp, Sign dude, Green Green's,Bury me guy, Obama.
Anonymous said…
Chief Of Police, Bill Press is doing an OUTSTANDING job here in Fairhope and we are blessed, fortunate, and honored to have him seeing to the justice and safety of our families. Thank You, Chief Press! You are a REAL hero and a WONDERFUL example of the kind of man I pray my sons will grow up to be! Bless You, Sir!
Foster is the type of guy that gives backwood rednecks a bad name and the reason they are stereotyped as DUMB.
Bet he has a KKK outfit in his closet. I listen to him and I hear "Dueling Banjos". Wasn't he in "Deliverance"?

Biscuit King? Is that like a Popeyes at Burger King? Do you have to wear white sheets to eat there? I'll stick to Dunkin Donuts.
Anonymous said…
Why not fire the mayor and Mike instead? they are dividers not uniters.
Anonymous said…
The chief is doing a great job. Keep up the good work. This is the kind of chief Fairhope has needed for a long time.
Anonymous said…
Thanks Fairhope Times for some real journalism. Odom at the Courier is Kant's lap dog. Is he kin to the mayor's wife? Same last name as her maiden name.
Anonymous said…
Foster raised money for St. Jude dressing as Willamena during Mardi Gras. How much did Press raise wearing nothing but an apron, combat boots and a spatular? Also, hanging in local bars and using tax payers money for his private plane ride to professional. Sure get rid of them all....including Press.
Anonymous said…
I am a lifelong resident of Fairhope and have a personal friend who runs a wonderful feed store. He is no longer a councilman just because of what goes on in the council. We had Chief Comalander that was great. We could have had a veteran police officer Steve Griffis who was qualified to be a Chief. I support Willie Foster, Mike Ford and the Mayor 100%. Press BE GONE!! Poof!!
Anonymous said…
It is clear to me that only ignorance plays a part on this mans behalf. I guess if his place of business was burglarized while deputies on duty were sleeping- he would have a different outlook. Small town corruption is beyond cliche. Anyone who supports the mayor is clearly nibbling from the hand that feeds - compliments of tax payers surely. Wisen up and educate yourself- Press surely has only his citizens' best interest in mind. So sad you would rather have an officer get laid than protect the law.
Anonymous said…
Bill Press lost me, when he brought a tank into Fairhope, to get a drunk out of a pizza shop.
Anonymous said…
In response to the person who said Griffis is qualified to be Chief has no clue what they are talking about. He was one the most corrupt policeman in Fairhope.
Anonymous said…
I thak God that we have moved past the days when the good ole boys could earn 1000 dollars for two hours work at a Polo match....if you play you pay...if you have sex in the jail you are going down...if you are a racist your days are numbered....griffis got run off and then testifyed against the elected official wife shop lifts and is set free...keep Fairhope, fairhope...I think not....keep pushin this and I will put it all out there....
Anonymous said…
I don't think that Fairhope has ever been worse than it is now. Press doing an outstanding job??...Please. I bet if everyone wasn't worried about being next in his line of fire, literally, you would know how it really is at the PD. At least Mr. Foster isnt afraid to stand up for someone and offer support, no matter what "rumors" are out there. And, to the lady who hopes her sons grow up to be like Press, once you see the apron pic you may change your mind...
Anonymous said…
Chief Barber and Terry Sanders (Asst. Chief) are church buddies, and Chief Barber was run off of the North End of the Fairhope Beach after unbiased do you actually think he will be for the Fairhope officers?