Volanta Gully Watershed Projects Proposed

possible projects
Fairhope, Alabama

USING $50,000 EPA GRANT                                                            

Fairhope Public Work's Director Fidler and consulting engineer Trey Jinright (Jade Consulting) presented projects intended to improve drainage within the Volanta watershed in north Fairhope. The projects include bio-retention ponds, rain gardens, installing pervious pavement, culvert repairs, and similar measures.

Fidler: "Our objective was to study the watershed ... following 9 EPA guidelines ... for watershed management ... to develop low impact projects to slow the water down ... ."

The Mayor said the city had to move forward soon or risk losing the grant money.


Councilman Kingrea said he wanted to make sure the public had an opportunity to comment on the proposals before final approval -- presumably at the next council meeting (Jan 23rd.).

Kingrea: "... just want to make sure ... that the public is aware ... of what's happening."

The Mayor said that was his intent as well, this presentation was just to "get the proposals before the public ... in the media."

(Publisher's Note: Subsequent to this meeeting, another public meeting has been scheduled for January 17th at 6PM at the James Nix Senior Center.)


Anonymous said…
fifty thousand dollars is not going to be enough
Anonymous said…
Is it just a coincidence this flows by former Mayor Nix's house?
Anonymous said…
I think this has to do with walmart....once you start you don't go back....wholesale florist are the problem......