Finance Committee Approves Sewer/Water Upgrades

Fairhope Alabama

The Financial Advisory Committee approved an engineer's plans (CH2M Hill Inc.) for over $12 million in upgrades to the city's existing water and sewer plants. The upgrades should extend the life-expectancy of the sewage plant by about 15 years; and solve chronic low water pressure problems in Rock Creek -- according to the engineer.

Responding to a question from Councilmember  Kingrea, Mayor Kant said he and city staff agreed with the engineer's recommendations.

The full city council must now approve the proposals at an upcoming meeting.

(Publisher's Note: The engineer said that although a new sewage water treatment plant will be needed someday (depending on population growth-rate),  in his opinion it is not the most cost-effective approach at this time: an all-new plant would cost over $30 million. He said a proposed new fresh water storage tank north of town on CR 13 ($4 million price tag) was not needed either -- new/larger water lines and pumps being sufficient for the forseeable future.)


Anonymous said…
At one time they were saying a new sewer plant would cost only $14 million ...