N. Greeno Development Talks To Be Put on Hold?

Fairhope, Alabama


North Greeno Rd. Corridor Study Committee Chairman Dick Charles says he wants to suspend the committee's discussions until city staff can draft an overlay zoning district for the area along Greeno Rd. -- generally from Gayfer Ave. to north to Hwy 104. Most of the property there is zoned for residential (R-1); but property owners believe the area is more suitable for business zoning (or mixed residential/business).

Charles: "We're not making much progress ... just spinning our wheels ... ask we to take some time off ... put a moratorium on this ... until the Planning Dept. can draft an overlay district."

Charles said a private architectural consultant may be needed as well: "At this point we really need some outside help."

Councilmember Quinn suggested the consultant could be used to update the city's entire Comprehensive Plan at the same time (which calls for periodic updates).

Council President Mixon asked Charles to work with planning staff to come up with formal presentation for the moratorium at a future council meeting.


Anonymous said…
Thats not residential property.
Anonymous said…
All of it but Green's (which was grandfathered in) is. It's all a big joke anyway. The city will only let you do what THEY want you to do with it.
Anonymous said…
You are right the grandfathered is a joke.....
Anonymous said…
those property owners just want to cash in, take the money and run. make it another airport blvd.
Anonymous said…
'those property owners just want to cash in'

Let me ask you, would you want to live on a 5 lane highway? Some of those people have been there since Greeno was a dirt road. Now through progress, it has turned into a nightmare. Some houses are so close, they sit over the right a way. Cash in - you bet.
Anonymous said…
Cry me a river......you rich folks in Fairhope are funnnnnnnnny.....