More Street Paving Planned

Fairhope, Alabama

The city council has passed a resolution authorizing Mayor Kant to negotiate the cost for paving (micro-surfacing)  more streets around town.

Total cost for all the roads is estimated to be $293, 605; but since only one of the 8 companies present for the "pre-bid" meeting actually chose to submit a (sealed) bid, Kant was authorized to negotiate a lower price with the sole bidder (John G. Walton Construction Company of Mobile).

Councilmember Quinn voted no, because the only bid was almost double the "usual market rates," according to city staff.

Quinn told the Times later: "Staff report said that it was higher than it should be and .... he was the only in essence you did not have a bid, you had a company that could overcharge us...legally... . "

City Administrator Mims said the city has no control over the number of bids private sector companies choose to submit; but state law allows the mayor to negotiate lower fees if only one bidder responds.

Mims told the Times later that if the mayor cannot negotiate reasonable rates, the project may have to be re-submitted for new bids.

Streets proposed to be paved:

The parking lot behind Masonic Lodge and Community Park.
Masonic Dr.

Colonial Acres subdivision: Hancock Rd., Colonial Dr., Washington Dr., Cherry Circle, Lafayette Dr.


Fig Ave.
Quail Creek Dr.
Lakeridge Dr.
Par Circle
Wedge loop
Fairway Ct.
South Tee Dr.
Lowry Dr.
Hucknall Dr.
Greenwood Ave.