Police Chief Applications Made Public

Fairhope, Alabama


Police, Fire and Court Committee member/council liaison Kevin Boone said it was decided to make all applications for chief public, but only after notifying the applicants that their names would be made public -- giving them a chance to pull their applications if they so desire.

Boone worried that some of the applicants from local police and sheriff departments may put their current jobs in jeopardy by having their names revealed.

Boone: "Mr. Odom (Fairhope Courier Editor) does need to get their applications ... we need to notify each applicant ... their names will be published ... ."

Boone went on to say the applicants will be winnowed down to 8 - 10 by the committee -- and all the interviews will be open to the general public. Then, the entire city council will make the final selection, via majority vote.

Boone; "The interviews ... everything will be public."

Committee member Mueller: "We understand the definition of confidentiality ... we also understand the law ... but we're not sure the applicants did."

In today's Fairhope Courier, Odom published a report naming only 3 of the 60 applicants: Griffis, Browning, Petties (Odom had viewed the applications last Friday). Interested citizens may access the applications as well -- via the city clerk's office.