Disciplinary Appeal Hearing Postponed

Fairhope, Alabama


According to Human Resources Director Heathcoe, the Personnel Board appeal hearing for police officer Brett Murray scheduled for tomorrow morning has been postponed for technical reasons: apparently the official who reviewed the case had not been previously approved by the city council. The matter will have to be resolved by the city council according to Heathcoe.

According to sources within the police department, the case does not involve possible termination.


"Per the December 27, 2012 City Council meeting , "Councilmember Ford moved to grant the request of Chief Joe Petties requesting permission the appointment of (retired) Deputy Wayne Gandy as the Review Officer for the Fairhope Police Department who would be replacing Deputy Chief Barber of the Mobile Police Department.  Seconded by Councilmember Boone, motion passed unanimously by voice vote."  However, this did not mention nor approve a second party as alternate should Mr. Gandy be unavailable for any reason.  This matter will have to be addressed and approved the City Council.  Due to this issue, the disciplinary hearing for Officer Brett Murray, previously scheduled forWednesdayJanuary 30th has been postponed until further notice."scheduled for tomorrow morning"


Anonymous said…
Brett is a good man....
Anonymous said…
Comforting to see amateur hour is still on in Fairhope.
Anonymous said…
Is this the retaliation Press predicted?
Anonymous said…
I don't know the specifics, but I know that even good men make bad choices and have to accept the consequences of those choices.
Anonymous said…
glad to see the new council has a handle on what they are doing. steep learning curve for the greenhorns.
Anonymous said…
new council is just following the directions of the mayor and mike ... give em a break!
Anonymous said…
Not sure the details but the Officer apparently said a cuss word while at work. I thought cops swear all the time like everyone else. Thought they had bigger fish to fry than worrying about a cop who cusses.
Anonymous said…
Wait a minute, above comment if your facts are correct your telling me they are trying to discipline someone for cussing? Didn't Presidental candidate Rick Santorum say a cuss word on national tv?

Anonymous said…
I cannot imagine a cop cussing, they are under no stress......