Fairhope, Alabama
Renewing a debate begun years ago, some residents are complaining that the new veteran's monument (click) under construction in Bluff Park will block their view of the bay -- and that public art in parks in general detracts from "natural beauty".
There are concerns the new monument could interfere with Baldwin Pops concerts held there as well.
Mayor Kant said he had received a letter and "a couple of people called ... wanted us to re-think the location ... ."
Council member Brewer said she talked to another citizen who is unhappy in general with art being placed all along the bluff.
Brewer: "(He's) unhappy with not just that one ... but the placement of public art all along the bluff. He feels like its obtrusive ... not natural ... when there is so much ... natural beauty."
Council member Burrell opined that moving the veteran's memorial may make the other complainers even more unhappy: "To move that one ... would make the other person even more upset ... ."
Burell said moving it to near-by Knoll Park instead (as has been suggested) would "defeat the purpose" of the Knoll Park's Committee's effort to return that area to its natural state (Long Leaf Forrest Restoration).
Council member Mueller: "There's nothing natural about public art." (note: changed from a public park after Mueller said he was mis-quoted)
Burrell said the issue had been debated for "at least 10 years" and prior councils had already made the decisions: "This is ... like ... the third council that's been approached by this ... I don't think we should undo what 2 prior councils have looked at and debated ... ."
"I don't know a better place for it (Vets memorial)."
Mayor Kant: "I wanted to make you aware of it ... if you think about it ... or want to change your minds."
The memorial, Tears of Sorrow, Tears of Joy, is to be dedicated late next month.