Changes Coming to Police Discipline Process?

Fairhope, Alabama


The city council is considering changing  the administrative process for disciplining police officers -- so they may no longer appeal to the city's Personnel Board as all other employees may do.

Police Chief Petties said the change is to better comply with state laws.

Petties: "With the old ordinance ... (they) had the hearing officer ... then go to Personnel Board ... a long drawn out thing."

"By state law now ... the hearing officer has the final decision."

A final vote will be taken at a future council meeting.

The city's police hearing officer is retired Baldwin Co. Deputy Wayne Gandy.


Anonymous said…
Was told by a buddy of mine today that Benji Taylor is back on the force and Jeremy Anderson(former police officer, son of former chief who also happens to be working for the city again) has been hired in the electric dept. This to go along with some of the King's other hirings since the election. Hmmmmmmm....

Anonymous said…
I herd Bill Press applied to be police chief at Panama City and Baton Rouge. anybody else?
Anonymous said…
I did hear about Panama City but nothing else about it or even if it was true.
Anonymous said…
I was so glad to have Benji Taylor's assistance the other day, actually his first day back on glad to see him back and made me feel just a tiny bit better about the current police department, which has had so many problems in recent years, with minimal leadership and excessive internal mud-slinging and back-biting. Still a long way to go, but perhaps in time, the citizens of Fairhope can feel some security and confidence in their police department again.
Anonymous said…
I so agree with the last comment. I understand from my police friends that Benji was harrassed by Press for his request that officers be treated with respect. Apparently that was reason enough to be hounded off of the force. So glad he's back. Also, I find the repeated references to our mayor as king as interesting. I am sure it is meant to be sarcastic and insulting, but, aside from being silly and childish, it is also a sign of frustration. Those people that wanted Kant defeated are beginning to feel that his popularity among the people, proven by his four election wins, could mean that, like a king, he could be in a position of authority for a long time. At least as long as he wants to be.
Anonymous said…
Press has applied for job in Baton Rouge. What's funny is that the former police chief was fired by the mayor for challenging his authority. Looks like a good match for Bill. He is so down with respecting the authority of the mayor. Someone needs to drop a line to Baton Rouge's mayor and attach some articles on Press's good mayoral relationship here.
Anonymous said…
Amazing how deep your heads have been buried in the sand! If the return to lack of transparency, back door-good ol boy deals and unprofessional behavior is what you are applauding a return to-you're just foolish.
Anonymous said…
Again, wild accusations. No specifics, no proof, just claims. Because you keep saying secret things are going on, deals are being made, doesn't make it so. What unprofessional behavior? When will the sour grapes end? Aren't you getting tired of being angry over the election results? Relax. Be glad you live in one of the greatest communities in the world. Lots of national publications and groups keep telling us so.
Anonymous said…
What a JOKE, all of this IS. I have NEVER seen so much drama about a government organization including the mayor. I have never seen such a bunch of babies as in this local government. SPOILED brats all of them fighting over scraps thrown from a dinner table. Get a life and get some education, then maybe all of you government employees can focus on things that matter in life instead of your own personal interest.
Anonymous said…
Wow! Speaking of drama, where did that tirade come from? What employees fighting over what scraps? This sounds like the rant of someone without a firm grip. Was it the suggestion that we relax and enjoy the wonderful place where we live that set you off?
Anonymous said…
The personnel policies of the police department, including the police chief selection, are atrocious. Fairhope is a wonderful place. Its police department and political leadership should have a higher standard.

I wonder if the council could say they chose the best candidate for chief if, God forbid, what happened in Watertown came to Fairhope. I hope, but doubt, they could.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Yea go ahead and bring back all the cops that had sex on the job. Sent pictures of their junk to female employees and drove their cars up to the front door of the police station drunk and high on drugs.....good grief Charlie Brown!!!!
Anonymous said…
I miss Chief Browning...Just saying.
Anonymous said…
Give the chief a break, he's only doing as he is told...
Anonymous said…
Your comments are insulting to a good man, doing a good job as Police Chief. Do you really believe that the mayor is overriding his decisions? Again with repeating all of the unvetted charges made by King Bill to influence the election for his protector Lonnie. Were any charges filed against any of those officers? My understanding is that some of them resigned because they were just sick of the hostile work environment created by Press. Others resigned because there was cause, but not all. Go back and read the report from the personel board on charges of hostile work environment at the police department. It was published. Small number felt everything was good, larger number felt threatend, large number said they were too afraid of retribution to speak. The result was they took those that were happy, added it to those that were afraid and said only a minority were unhappy. Remember that when the Chief was named interim Chief, Bill Press endorsed the selection, said Joe was the most qualified. He must be the right choice. He got the support of the mayor, vote of the Council and the endorsement of King Bill.
Anonymous said…
I was a cop in New York for 25 years and I am telling you I have never seen such third grade activities in a City Government like Fairhope.
Anonymous said…
I made the comments above about the personnel practices and the chief selection. I too am a cop of about the same tenure in a large metropolitan area and I would concur with what the NY guy said ... completely. Third grade may be generous.
Anonymous said…
It is a shame how the powers that be routinely drag employees into politics around here. Put them in impossible situations. :(
Anonymous said…
I get tired of people from other places that come here to live because something they liked brought them here, then proceed to tell the rest of us how much better things were where they came from. The last chief was hired from a large metropolitan police force, after a nationwide search. He managed to tick off almost every constituency in the city and cost four incumbents their offices. We feel safe here, our city is beautiful, our recreation facilities and parks are great, our utilities are dependable and our garbage is picked up. Our return to normal after hurricanes is envied by our neighboring communities. Where is all of the third grade competence you refer to??
Anonymous said…
I have lived in 412 cities across the globe which makes me smarter than all of you. If I say the city government is third grade, don't question it. Accept it!
Anonymous said…
How many times is this Council going to get punked? Or are they willing participants and it's US that are the punkees? Section 11-43-230 of Alabama Code specifically states that you MAY have a disciplinary process that goes beyond a hearing officer.

So who lied? The Mayor? The Mayor and the Chief? The last Chief most certainly was a disaster. He needlessly and foolishly and frequently was at odds with the Mayor. This one seems to be the polar opposite. And that's not good either.
Anonymous said…
Too the person tired of people moving to Fairhope from other towns and telling how it should be done. THAT is NOT AT ALL what the comments are saying if you read them correctly. Those people are saying that the town government does not run as it should. Additionally, to the person who made that comment about outsiders moving to Fairhope. My anthropology degree that I received from Duke failed to teach me that Fairhope had "original roots" and that certain people have been there from the inception of time. So, I sympathize with those of you "from" Fairhope because we invaded your land by "moving in." Let me remind you, the reason Fairhope is the way it is and as beautiful, is because those of us who "moved in" had the brains to make it that way. So, maybe you should take some classes on history then come back and make some more comments that make sense.
Anonymous said…
I did not say I have been here from the beginning of time. If fact I, like you, came from somewhere else and stayed because I liked what I found here. I got involved, volunteered and worked within the community to make the community better, as did many others. My problem with the constant negative comments about the mayor, the council, the police and every other department of the city, is that these are the people elected by the people, hiring those they feel are qualified to do the jobs that make this the place we want to be. There are repeated charges of misconduct, with no proof, and things said about incompetence but no examples of incompetence. It seems like what is happening is a question of the competence of the electorate that put these people in office. The majority made its wishes known. They liked what the mayor was doing in running things and they didn't like the council trying to usurp his authority. The only council person reelected was the one that supported the mayor's agenda. Those are the facts. So, when it is constantly said that the council and citizens and city managers are being lead astray or duped or are third grade, you are questioning the intelligence of the council to make its own decisions and do the job they were elected to do and the integrity of city managers to do what's right and the citizens to choose their leaders. Maybe leadership should be hand picked by those of you who are smarter and more educated than the rest of us.
Anonymous said…
And better looking too.
Toothless in Fairhope said…
Yep, we were just a bunch of redneck idiots before people with anthropology degrees from Duke moved in. How we managed to survive as long as we did beforehand is mind boggling and worthy of study by the Duke anthropology department. Having lived here now, I'm sure they would appreciate their alumni returning to teach this in-depth course.

Any chance you can broadcast this online for us toothless hicks to watch? We wouldn't fit in on campus.
Anonymous said…
Nope, you wouldn't fit on campus. Oh by the way there are plenty of dentist in town if you are have tooth problems.
Anonymous said…
Who knows, maybe we will get lucky and the kudzu will take over the town and make the toothless rednecks, the government and the Duke grads move out.
Anonymous said…
Homo Ignoramus just full of "dookey"!!
Anonymous said…
The Courier noted that the King has been caught in yet another "untruth" AKA lie. He and his picked Council said that the procedure has to be changed because it violated state law. Then Monday his own attorney said that it did not violate state law and it did not (read the Courier). Yet the hand picked Council voted 5-0 to change the process and procedure. This means that Mayor can let his hand picked "friends" do what they want in the PD and get away with it. Sex, Lies and video tapes. The news media lets him get away with much for clean sweep baby......
Anonymous said…
So the mayor misinterpreted one of those really clear statues and was corrected in an open meeting by the city's attorney whose job it is to check on these things and that makes the mayor and council a bunch of liars? And the council chose to simplify the appeals process, while still adhering to the law and that is a really bad thing? I guess I just can't see your logic. And by hand picked do you mean all of those citizens that picked up their ballots and with their hands marked the names of those that got elected? That is the only hand picking that elected this council. The hands of the voters. When are you going to get over it?
Anonymous said…
Go to bed Ripps!
Anonymous said…
Get yo head out of the sand and give me my dental insurance!!!
Anonymous said…
This is a tempest in a teapot. I trust the mayor and this council to do the right thing.

There will always be crazies who disagree, just to disagree. You know who I mean.
Anonymous said…
Thank you for the teapot comment. Thanks for drinking the rock. Long live the King!!!! I want my dental insurance!!!! I am a employee and I deserve it!!!!
Anonymous said…
Thanks to the teapot comment. If the Mayor hires one more member of your family you will be covered!!!
Anonymous said…
My husband and I enjoyed living in Fairhope since mid-2003, but there is a bullying and "mob mentality," that works through the churches, schools and other organizations. It's really too bad when they don't even give newcomers, whom many times are thrilled to be in such a pretty, quaint town, a chance before "shoving their religion, insults and all else down the throats" of perfectly law-abiding citizens. My marriage was strained, then ruined in Fairhope, after I was "painted black" by individuals whom are racist, bigoted and violate the rights of their neighbors every single day. But I guess they go to the right church, and they get away with being bullies because of their age, ailments and associations with a very sinister and deadly "bully network."