Mid-year Financial Report Called "Flat"

Fairhope, Alabama

During a presentation to the city council recently, financial reporter Jill Cabanis called city finances for the six months ending on last March 31 about the same as for the same period the previous year.

Property tax revues had declined some, but was offset by increased local (sales taxes). Police Department costs fell $414,485 --  but "general government (administration) expenses rose $722,183.

Debt service cost fell $225,028 because the library and street paving loans were paid off early.

Revenue received from all the city's utilities rose, electric the most ($413,467).


Anonymous said…
The endless stream of citizens and organizations comin to the city asking for handouts of taxpayer money never ceases to amaze. Most call themselves conservative Republicans who complain about too much government spending!!
Anonymous said…
The Finance Director will say whatever the Mayor wants.
Anonymous said…
need an MBA to understand it.
Anonymous said…
Give em' a break. Senior employees around here have to walk on egg shells -- lest they say some thing the Boss will not approve of ... puts them in ethical dilemma, Too bad -- the Public needs to know the facts ...
Anonymous said…
Ethics left the village a long time ago. As long as the flowers are pretty......happy, happy, happy....Is the King back from France yet? Maybe he can visit with the flower consultant while is over the big pond. Now that what I call spending our Walmart Tax dollars wisely. We love to hate those Walmart people.....I love my town!!!!!
Anonymous said…
Would like a line item accounting of general administrative expenses. Big increase and smells and sounds fishy.
Anonymous said…
Mucho pay raises for Kant's inner circle ( Sullivan, Fidler, Gillespie, Hanks, McCrory and the big pay raise for Lisa Hanks). Bot to mention all the Corrupt COPS Kant is hiring.