Fish Fry To Lower House Insurance A Success

Fairhope, Al.

A fish fry to rally support for lower homeowners insurance drew a crowd of over one thousand recently at Oak Hollow Farm south of Fairhope.

 The event was staged by Michelle Kurtz of the HHII group (click), which has been working to lower premiums with more honesty/transparency for rate-setters and by establishing multi-state insurance pools.

 The group is encouraging citizens to contact their legislators to help bring it about.

 [The City of Fairhope recently donated $1,500 to help stage the event (along with the county and other local cities)]


Anonymous said…
Well, if it's free food, what do you expect?
Anonymous said…
Maybe they should give out free food at council meetings to get more of the apathetic public to come out ... and participate in self government for a change ... instead of the usual sitting home complaining ...