New Garbage Trucks Are "Lemons"

Fairhope, Alabama


In a presentation to the city council, Pubic Work's Supervisor Dale Linder reported that 3 of the city's automated garbage-pickup truck chassis purchased in September of 2011 (International 7400s, #541, 542, 547) have serious chronic mechanical issues -- causing disruptions in garbage, trash and recycling collection.

The fourth truck (#548) has a much better record -- despite being two years older.


Linder said the 4 automated trucks each pick up about 1150 garbage cans every pickup day; but that number is growing as population increases.

The number of garbage accounts has grown by 32% since 2003.

Linder: "The question is ... how do we expand services for the new people moving in ...  ."

"We're at the breaking point now ... with the units we have . Do we want to add another automated truck?"


Linder said "faulty chassis-manufacturing issues" (wiring harnesses, EGR units, hubs, fuel pumps, other electrical issues)  were putting stress on the whole collection system because "once one goes down, we don't have replacements for them ... no reserve automated trucks."

The fourth, truck #548, has a much better reliability record, according to Linder.

Mayor Kant: "We've been very disappointed with these trucks ... (I) had (city attorney) Tut write letters ... to turn them back in under the lemon law ... shouldn't be giving us trouble until after 5 years ... ."


Mayor Kant said the garbage truck problems are disrupting the city's recycling program as well

Kant: "Dale has to make a decision. Do I throw all the recycling together in the back of a truck and haul it to Loxley because of time restraints? ... because we don't have the trucks ... ."

Kant also said the truck shortage requires employees to work more overtime to complete their routes.

[Later, councilman Ford gave assurances that no recyclables have been thrown away, as has been rumored out in the community (see video below)]

Sanitation workers work a normal 40 hours/week, but have Wednesdays off since there is no collection that day.

(Vehicle maintenance is performed on Wed. by the city's 4 mechanics).


The city council will have to vote to include any new truck purchases in next year's budget.

Cost for a new chassis is from about $120-$150K. A whole new automated garbage truck would be about double that. A chassis is just the cab, engine, and frame -- onto which other equipment is mounted on the rear -- ie. trash, recycling, or garbage pick-up machinery.

(Eddie,  one of the city's mechanics who work on the trucks warned that the old chassis could not be used elsewhere in the city's fleet either -- because of their unique "drop down" frame style: They could only be sold at auction at a considerable discount.)



Anonymous said…
More tax money down the drain.
Anonymous said…
Why would they buy THREE of anything that is new technology/design instead of getting one and evaluating it first?
Anonymous said…
They should put Eddie in charge.
Anonymous said…
Another poor decision to purchase these trucks by Mayor Kant and the Public Works Director Jennifer Fidler. If you notice if there is bad news they put an assistant up to break the news.
Anonymous said…
These trucks are treated like (fill in the blank) and maintenance is a joke. God down and look at the area we work in!! No pride...just junk. The Public Works Director needs to stop traveling and manage our department.
Anonymous said…
Use them for flower boxes.
Anonymous said…
Employees just work there, do as they are told. The last city council purchased these trucks, another of their many mistakes.
Anonymous said…
The Public Works Director designed and wrote the specs for the trucks. They were also approved by Mayor Kant. The previous City Council was not involved in specs. Stop blaming George Bush and the previous City Council and go back to sleep my fellow city employee.
Anonymous said…
As a relatively recent resident of Fairhope, I guess there are lots of small towns that have this kind of political morass and Peyton Place type intrigue. I just didn't expect it here. Fairhope is a great place and the PEOPLE have their stuff together. Not so much for the politics.
Anonymous said…
You are correct. There is a man behind the curtain the causes 99% of the conflict. The man behind the curtain is Mayor Tim Kant. He loves conflict and promotes problems even between employees. Fairhope is a great city, great people, alot of good employees, but a Mayor that runs and hides and blames others. Enjoy Fairhope but I would recommend you stay away from City Hall.
Anonymous said…
Totally agree! That may be the best comment I have read on this site.