Mayor Proposes New Planning Committee

Fairhope, Alabama


Mayor Kant proposed the Planning Commission form a new committee to recommend ways to go about updating the city's comprehensive growth plan (click).

He said the committee was needed to work with City Planner Johnathan Smith to "put in place a procedure to select somebody to help us with that."

Kant made a motion for the chairman of the Planning Commission to appoint the committee (presumably at its August meeting); and it was approved unanimously.

(Kant has previously indicated that the Alabama Communities of Excellence Program (click) could be of assistance in updating the plan)


One of the issues to be considered during the review will be the controversial question of  changing the residential zoning along North Greeno Rd. to some sort of commercial -- as requested by most of the property owners there.

Other citizens elsewhere in town worry about turning the city's entrance into another commercial corridor like Mobile's notorious Airport Blvd. or Daphne's Hamburger Hill (Hwy 98) -- and how new commercial zoning may eventually affect the old downtown.

The current comprehensive plan encourages commercial village centers at major intersections rather than all along the major roads.

Streamlining the plan to make it more business-friendly has also been mentioned as a goal of the review.

(Note: The Times has learned a Family Fun Center has expressed interest in property on Greeno near Volanta Park)


Anonymous said…
Should have been done a long time ago. I hardly call a 5 lane highway that is known on most maps as a "truck" route the entrance to a city. I always thought the entrance was there at the triangle. Maybe by rezoning, it will actually help the down town area. They are crying now because business is so bad and there is nothing to draw people (ie.families on vacation) to Fairhope like they have at the wharf. All the mayor cares about is his "flower" clock. Now I can really see that exciting the kiddos.
Anonymous said…
Why bother? He will only appoint those who agree with him and then blame them if it goes wrong
Anonymous said…
Just let him do it....he is the king!!!!
Anonymous said…
Does anyone on here REALLY thinks the city people read this blog? It doesn't do any good to rave and rant, they (Kant and his puppets) are going to do what they want. I'd post with my name, but being I have a vested interest in this decision, I'd probably suffer from retaliation. Same reason I don't go to any of the meetings. Believe me, I've tried, but get shot down out of the water. They have their agenda and that's the way it is going to be. I'm just a pee-on as far as they are concerned. Let the little guy suffer. "I WANT MY FLOWER CLOCK"
Anonymous said…
Kant cronies are paid to read & post
Anonymous said…
This renovation is great, but do they really think this is going to bring in tourist trade? I'm afraid Fairhope's days are about gone what with the Wharf and all the other places popping us that brings in REAL tourist trade. Our downtown merchants are hurting, but all the King cares about is his flowers.
Anonymous said…
You are right...Fairhope's days are gone. Lone live Orange Beach, Foley. A negative clooud surrounds the village......Long live the king!!!!!
Anonymous said…
Update Comp plan, "plan" Greeno Corridor? I can't wait until people who own property along greeno are told what they can or cannot do with their property...Comp plan a joke anyway, implemented at will and according to who's political camp one is in...this should really be fun, especially public hearings...
robert said…
Hope the mayor and council won't cave in to pressure from certain folks who are just looking to cash in and sell their property to the highest bidders. Then they move out of town.

We have a good comprehensive plan and need to enforce it.

Good job mayor and council.
Anonymous said…
Jesus, save our town.
Anonymous said…
Jesus looks out for Fairhope in the form of "voting blocks", aka churches and "God" fearing church goers who are told what to do by their church leaders, who are told what to do by the politicians...God has left Fairhope, left a long time ago, took his son with him. Threw up his hands.