Updated: New Knoll Park Appointees A No Show

Fairhope, Alabama fairhopetimes@att.net


The newly appointed Knoll Park members of the city's Environmental Advisory Committee failed to show up for this morning's regularly scheduled meeting; only four of the committee's other regular members attended (two of them city employees).

The meeting adjourned after 15 minutes due to  lacking a quorum.

The new members were appointed by the city council last month to continue working on the natural eco-system restoration project underway there.

According to City Clerk Hanks, the sub-committee may meet independently, but only after announcing it publicly beforehand.

Update: A day after this meeting, Hanks announced the Knoll Park group will be meeting on March 21 at 1PM in the Delchamps Room.


Anonymous said…
The best committee we have!!!!!!!!!!!!