Fairhope, Alabama

At its last work session, a citizen (Dot Yeager) brought to the attention of the city council the worsening erosion which threatens the Pier Street boat ramp, nearby sidewalks and trees.
A section of a small city pier and two storm water drainage pipes have already been damaged.
Mayor Kant said he has been aware of the problem for some time -- and plans to haul in more sand by truck as an "immediate fix ... to stabilize it ... and keep it from getting worse."
Kant said a similar problem occurred there about 6 years ago.
The mayor said permits from the Army Corp of Engineers are required before any work can be done -- and any new sand brought in has to "be the same as whats already there."
He said a more permanent fix of beach re-nouishment -- pumping sand from offshore -- could take up to a year just to gain the necessary permits.
The city had already applied for a federal grant to help fund the re-nourishing, but was turned down because it "did not meet the criteria."
Kant told the Times he plans to bring the matter up at the next council meeting.
The severe winter storms, combined with rising sea levels and coastal armoring (bulkheads) are
thought to be the main causes of the loss of sand.
The nearby Pier St. boat ramp has not yet been damaged by the shifting sand, according to the Mayor.
At its last work session, a citizen (Dot Yeager) brought to the attention of the city council the worsening erosion which threatens the Pier Street boat ramp, nearby sidewalks and trees.
A section of a small city pier and two storm water drainage pipes have already been damaged.
Mayor Kant said he has been aware of the problem for some time -- and plans to haul in more sand by truck as an "immediate fix ... to stabilize it ... and keep it from getting worse."
Kant said a similar problem occurred there about 6 years ago.
He said a more permanent fix of beach re-nouishment -- pumping sand from offshore -- could take up to a year just to gain the necessary permits.
The city had already applied for a federal grant to help fund the re-nourishing, but was turned down because it "did not meet the criteria."
Kant told the Times he plans to bring the matter up at the next council meeting.

The severe winter storms, combined with rising sea levels and coastal armoring (bulkheads) are
thought to be the main causes of the loss of sand.
The nearby Pier St. boat ramp has not yet been damaged by the shifting sand, according to the Mayor.