Turtles Prepare For Tomorrow's Grand Opening

Fairhope, Alabama. (fairhopetimes@att.net)


Elizabeth Tonsmeire, president of the 17 Turtles non-profit organization, was busy putting the finishing touches to a building she has leased for canoe/kayak rentals in the creek and bay; she was being assisted by her mother, Harbor Board Chairman Tom Yeager, and Fairhope artist Melissa Smith.

(video below)

The city has filled in some deep potholes and re-graveled the parking area in anticipation of the event.

The opening will be tomorrow (Sunday) from 4 - 6PM; music and refreshments will be provided.

The marina is located at the foot of Sea Cliff Dr., -- off of Scenic 98 in Montrose.

(Tonsmeire also organizes the monthly Mobile Bay Green Drinks environmental discussion group meetings, held in Fairhope and Mobile. )

Melissa Smith, artist


Pauline said…
I need more information. Will public be able to rent kayaks? What are the days and hours of operation? What environmental causes will it support?
Publisher said…
see http://17turtlesoutfitters.org/