Fairhope Kids Walk Through Magical Castle

Fairhope, Alabama. (fairhopetimes@att.net)

Charlene Lee in yellow

In her usual indomitable fashion, 'Walking School Bus' leader Charlene Lee and her trusty whistle led elementary students through the little 'Mosher Castle' on their way to school this morning,  encountering a magical creature, knight in shining armor and a cat named Winston Churchill -- among other strange things.

(video below)

Lee said the program had its best year ever and will continue the next school year; besides providing exercise for the kids, it relieves traffic congestion at the school.

magical creature

Sir Winston Churchill

Bacroft Ave.

Fairhope elementary school


Anonymous said…
C.L. would have made a good marine drill sargent.
Anonymous said…
Wonderful, beautiful site! Thank you Charlene.
Anonymous said…
Maybe she should runn for the city council, take charge and finally get someting done.