UPDATED: Hurricane's Sunken Boats Finally Removed

Fairhope, Alabama. (fairhopetimes@att.net)


UPDATE; The Times has learned that only one boat was removed; one remains.

Two small boats that had been sunk by hurricane Katrina (one may have been by Ivan the year before) have finally been removed, presumably by the marina operator.

Mayor Kant told the Times last week he had given them a two week deadline or "something is going to happen."

Numerous citizens had complained over the years about how tacky it looked, but were always told by city officials the problem was the restrictive Alabama maritime laws concerning abandoned vessels.

Earlier this year, it was announced that Bob Pope -- the former operator of the Yardarm -- was to have removed them before the city's restaurant-property lease was transferred to new operator  Rick Gambino (that did not happen); then both were to collaborate on removing them, according to statements made by superintendent Gillespie at a Harbor Committee meeting.

Pope, who was the marina operator at the time of the hurricanes, had been promising for years they would be removed in short order, Gillespie said.

From the Feb. 2014 Harbor Board meeting minutes:

As an alternative, the mayor suggested last year the city may have to do the work itself, and send the bill to the lessee, presumably Mr. Pope.

The exact details of how they were finally removed have not been explained yet by the city.

(The former 'Yardarm' restaurant is called 'Shux' now.)

Last week, the mayor told the Times' legal reporter he did not know who the owners of the boats were or if that could be determined so that the massive slip-rent due could be pursued somehow.


sunken boats gone

last year


Anonymous said…
Mr. Pope is a relation to one of our city council people is he not ... ?
Anonymous said…
wow way to go on being a leader, I mean Katrina was how many YEARS ago
Anonymous said…
Prayer is the only answer. Jesus saves!
Anonymous said…
leader,ship is in short supply in alabama these days.
Anonymous said…
Leadership? I just woke up to the 3rd overnight renter in whats suppose to be a month minimum stay in the rental unit next to me. The owner has city connections. These leaders know what their doing, modern day carpet baggers only there home grown.
Anonymous said…
How can you say "gone" when the boat is beached in the park?