Council To Consider Next Year's Budget Proposal

Fairhope, Al.

FOR FY 2016

The city council will consider the Mayor's budget proposal for next year at work sessions before Monday's council meeting; but may not take action until a later date: The current-year's budget may have to be extended past the Oct 1st deadline.

Total revenue income (taxes, fees, fines, services, utility bill charges, etc.) is projected to be $62,519,304 -- and total expenses of $57,872,241. A surplus of $4,647,063 is projected.
A 2% cost of living raise is proposed for all full time employees.

$2,978,992 will be used for general fund debt service ($2 million for reduction) -- plus $408K for airport debt service.

city council

* Property taxes: $4,780,000 (little change from last year)

* Local taxes: $8,190,100 (up $400K)

* Business and liquor licenses: $1,962,000. (up $100K)

* Lodging taxes: $650K (up $30K)

* Charges and services: $5,513,000 (up $900K) 

* Fines and Forfeitures:  $280,000 (down $40K)

* Utility Income: $38,428,904 (down $300K)  ($3,417,969 will be transferred to the general fund,  
   $1.6 million more than last year)


* An additional $800K for the Manley Road Soccer Complex. (including $300K for field lighting)

* Unspecified "drainage improvements": $100K  

* Major's Field Press Box upgrades: $50K

* Additional tennis courts: $300K

* Boys and Girls Club improvements: $75K

* New police car radios: $158,441

* New police station consoles: $139,867

* Five police vehicles

* One new garbage truck: $220,000

* Parking deck sweeper: $37K

* New crowd control barricades (parades): $55K

* Re-roof the Welcome Center: $10K

* Library maintenance (carpets, etc.): $12K;  AC balancing: $15K;  Stucco repair: $15K;  Front
   entrance tile repair: $5K

* Greeno Rd. street lighting: $180K

* Old sewer line rehab: $400K;  Manhole rehab: $150K;  SCADA for lift stations: $146K

* New computer hard drive storage capacity: $175K


For city functions and various private, non-profit groups requesting donations from the city council totaling $802,700, about the same as last year -- including:

* $9,000 for "writing services" (Fran Morley): up $3K over previous year.

* $50,000 to print and deliver city sketches magazine: up $2K

* $30K for police labor: up $4K

* $1,000 for Mayor's Prayer Breakfast: up $500

* $25K for New Years Eve celebration

* $3,000  for 'Movie in the Park'

*  Thomas Hospital (Birth Center):  $50,000

*  Pirate Booster Club: $35,000

 * Rotary Youth Club: $55,000

 * Eastern Shore Art Center: $20,000

* Downtown Business Association: $20,000

* E.S. chamber of Commerce: $6,000

* Education Advisory Committee: $350,000 (This is a city committee)


The mayor included some more projects for the city council to consider:

* City-wide street resurfacing: cost $2,500,000

* Golf paths: $388,000

* Community Park parking lot repairs: $34,000

* Majors Field Track repairs: $60K


No funding was included for improving intersections according to a recent engineer's report (click); but the mayor has suggested the council could choose to use some of the projected $4+ million surplus for that.

(The city also has a $7 million emergency reserve fund.)


Anonymous said…
wow I can't believe the library need so much repair it is not even ten years old, my opinion is that it was bad workmanship in the first place
Anonymous said…
I hope they know what they are doing with our money.