Police Rescue Blind Dog From Mobile Bay

Fairhope, Alabama

A Labrador retriever went for help recently when his buddy, a blind German shepherd, fell off the municipal pier into Mobile Bay; two fishermen and Fairhope police officers improvised a rescue.

They first tried to just pick the shepherd up, but the dog was scared and tried to bite so a rope and sling were improvised.

They were take to the Haven animal shelter; apparently they had escaped from a nearby home.

Dog in water.

Deciding what to do ... .

Preparing a sheet-sling ... .

Rescue underway ... .

Mission accomplished!

A good dog.



Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
The men that rescued the Blind Dog are real heroes . Thank you.
Anonymous said…
AWWW, Thank you for saving this baby. Police officers in Fairhope are awesome!!!! It does my heart good to know that there are compassionate people!!!
Martha May said…
A BIG THANK YOU to Fairhope Police department. Awesome job for saving a dog's life!
Martha May said…
Also- BIG THANKS to the fishermen involved, as well. Great team!!!
Anonymous said…
Sorry, I just watched the video. THANK YOU to the fisherman too!