Planning and Police Jurisdiction Shrinks

Fairhope, Alabama


New town limit
The city's police and planning jurisdiction shrank a bit east of town after the Town of Silverhill annexed the Highway 104 right-of-way westward all the way to Langford Rd and assumed jurisdiction over about a half mile in each direction (north and south) of the road -- as well as additional territory to the west to Linn Ridge Rd.

Fish River had been the line previously.

According to a spokesperson for Silverhill, the Baldwin Sheriff's Department will still police the area (not the very small Silverhill PD) but the town's building department will now issue  permits there.

Any change to fire protection responsibility was not mentioned.

The area includes the large Fairhope Falls subdivision on the west side of Fish River.

Fairhope Plannjng Director Smith said recently he was never consulted about it -- or aware of the specifics of the changes; neither was council president Burrell who worried about the potential lost revenue.

new map
Mayor Kant told the Times he thought the Silverhill town council initiated the changes because "they needed more revenue."

The design and infrastructure for the Fairhope Falls subdivison was approved by the Fairhope Planning Commission using that city's subdivision regulations and was at one time to be developed as a "village concept."

Unfortunately, the company went bankrupt during the Great Recession of 2008 and the property sat idle for many years: It is not known if the name will remain the same, since it now falls within Silverhill's jurisdiction.

Fairhope Falls


Anonymous said…
they can make another trashy trailer park out of it guess. that town is famous for that.
Anonymous said…
I have lived in Silverhill for 20 years although was never considered in the actual City limits due to my location. It is a lovely area and we enjoy living there. However, we were never told the Police jurisdiction was being moved and every time we call we are told to call the County.

I understand needing additional revenue because you can't pay a law enforcement officer $9.00 for putting his life on the line. However, it would be nice for the Mayor and Council to practice better communication skills.

The Silverhill police chief is the most unprofessional government employee I have ever met or had the experience of trying to discuss issues with.

Something needs to change but I am not sure what it is.
Anonymous said…
This is the worst blog I have ever seen.
Anonymous said…
to the above commenter ; it must not be too bad , you are reading and commenting.
Might I suggest that you spend your time doing something else.
Anonymous said…
You never know who to contact. Before Becky , I would call animal control with concerns of an animal in need of help just to be told that it is county we can't do anything. So very frustrating because one particular time the dog was just around the corner from animal control. The dog was in 105 degree heat on a large metal chain with no water and trying desperately to get out of the sun! I lost all faith in Fairhope that day and sometimes it should just be about compassion which there was none on that day.(animal friendly my a?? ) I could not go on property as it would be trespassing and since animal control was not going to help I figure I would get in trouble! I called other times and met with same response. Oh and there are tethering laws that just apply in city. FAIRHOPE YOUR LAWS ARE A JOKE This is my opinion from experience you need to stop calling yourself animal friendly because it is simply BS to put it mildly!
Anonymous said…
My only issue with being "consumed" by Silver Hill is the fact that most or all of the homeowners in the "new" jurisdiction were aware that anything was changing until the signs appeared.
I have been in Fairhope's police jurisdiction for 15 years, giving annual contributions to the Fairhope fire dept. and paying for Fairhope water. My neighbor contacted Fairhope city hall once we saw the new signs, he was told they city was not aware of any changes.
Makes you wonder how things that effect you can change without notice!!!