Updated: Planning Commission to Review New Growth Plan Today

Fairhope, Alabama

Update: At this meeting, the Planning Commission voted unanimously to accept the plan; city council members present indicated they would support it as well, with some caveats. Details to come ... .


A formal presentation of the proposed updated comprehensive growth plan will be presented to the Planning Commission  today at 5:30 in the Giddens room at the library.

Several options were considered based on a series of sometimes-contentious public meetings in 2013 and 14 -- and subsequent private meetings with "stakeholders."

Some issues raised by the public were sprawl on the east side, zoning of north Greeno Road, lack of zoning control outside of city limits, traffic, etc.

Mayor Kant has criticized city councils for failing to adopt necessary ordinances to put "teeth" in the plan (clk).

The Commission may choose to vote tonight to recommend it be adopted by the city council.

The proposal may be viewed here: http://fairhopeproject.com/


Lynne Cary said…
It would be great if someone would make sure our area got properly sprayed this year for misquotes. I had to about beg for service last year. I am off of Hwy 24 and near Fish River. This area is wooded, and has standing water. Thank you!
Hideaway In Fairhope Subdivision.
Anonymous said…
What do the city councils do here besides show up every month to pick up their pay checks and take trips all over the world on our dime?

They sem to be completly impotent here to fix the problems.
Anonymous said…
There are several trailers and old homes off of county Rd 24 and on Sherwood Highlands Rd that are about to fall in. I am concerned for children or homeless getting hurt!!
They are getting worse.
Anonymous said…
huh? you want them to properly spray for "misquotes"? how's that done?
Anonymous said…
I hope they can finaly find a way to annex all the complainer freeloaders out of the city limits who get all city services and pay less tax than real Fairhopers.
Anonymous said…
Can anyone even understand this plan and which one was accepted? I have clicked the link, but would have to be an engineer or lawyer to even understand what they are saying.
Anonymous said…
this is the worst blog i have ever seen