New Greeno Road PUD Withdrawn

Fairhope, Alabama


At Monday's council meeting,  the application for a commercial PUD at 848 Greeno Road was pulled from the agenda by the applicant Fred Hayek and will be resubmitted in about a month with some minor changes limiting what type of commercial businesses may locate there.

The amendment to the Fly Creek PUD (apartments) was introduced, but not voted on immediately: it will come up for a final vote at the next council meeting.


Anonymous said…
Anything would be better than another sprawling mega subdivision like rock Creek!
Anonymous said…
Better than apartments filled with drug addicts!!
Anonymous said…
Says the typical elitist...
Anonymous said…
Someone hates elitist Rock Creek. That sounds a lot like some super sour grapes.
Anonymous said…
On what planet does apartments equate to drug addicts?