Fairhope High School Expansion Update

Fairhope, Alabama

new wing location


Twenty additional classrooms and new cafeteria space are still planned and construction could begin as early as this Fall -- or early next year -- according to school superintendent Eddie Tyler.

Plans for the $4.1 million project are being held up in the state's busy architectural review office, he said.

The new wing is to be on the south side in the area of the staff parking lot and black box theater.

The nine temporary classrooms on the north side are to be removed.


Also,  an air conditioning chiller unit is now being replaced at a cost of about $150K.

The unit failed some time ago and a temporary one was installed until the end of the school year.


Anonymous said…
Sure was hot out there today.
Anonymous said…
Unchecked growth. Kant is making greeno airport blvd. after he said he wanted to keep "fairhope fairhope". SMH.