Updated: City's Preservation Chairman Seeking Office


Gary Gover, the long time chairman of the city's History Preservation Committee has announced he is running for city council for the first time; he also currently serves on the city's recycling and environmental committees -- and has on various others in the past as well.

He is also a member and former chairman of the annual 'Earth Day Mobile' event, held each Spring at the pier park (click).

Retired from federal civil service, in recent years Gover has kept busy raising his two grandchildren.

In his announcement, Gover emphasized the need for sound planning to maintain the city's special character.

Gover's campaign so far is notable for its shoestring budget and low tech campaign signs.

His campaign Facebook page may be found here:

Gary Gover for Fairhope City Council Place No. 5

 "I’m All About the Plan"

I’m Gary Gover, and I’m running for a place on the Fairhope City Council.

Let me honor the community of Fairhope for making the City’s new
Comprehensive Plan. It went into effect in June, and it is simply outstanding. I will work relentlessly to bring the City’s resources to accomplishing the plan.

I want Fairhope to always be a jewel among communities. I want it to be
outstanding in all its characteristics. The vision of the plan is for
Fairhope to continue to be a premier small town, where growth enhances the
vibrancy, while offering exceptional quality of life and
the “Fairhope” identity.

Fairhope is successful and rapidly growing. The rapid growth demands great attention in order to ensure a highly successful future. Ou priorities have to include planning, environment, transportation, schools, preservation, safety, and more, and these are all in the scope of the new comprehensive plan. It will be my objective as a member of the City Council to have the city’s leadership team focus on the plan and provide necessary resources for its accomplishment.

As it stands, the Comprehensive Plan has ten categories of goals, 66 objectives, and 167 tasks, many to be done within the coming four-year term. The plan’s important work will fill the city’s plate with projects. It’s time to get started and I know the work that needs to be done.

B.S. in Biological Science, State University of New York at Stony Brook, 1970
Graduate work in Business Administration, Temple University, 1972
Graduate work in Public Administration, Southern Illinois University 1974-1975

Supervisory systems analyst (supervisor, manager, division chief, project manager, and team member on large-scale information system projects), US Department of Veterans Affairs 1971-1996, and retired to Fairhope, Alabama

Military Service:
US Marine Corps, electronics instructor, 1963-1967

Current Local Organizations/Activities:
Fairhope Environmental Advisory Board – member; past chairman
Fairhope Historic Preservation Committee – member, secretary, chairman
Fairhope Recycling Committee – member,
Earth Day Mobile Bay, Inc. – chairman & president
Local Food Production Initiative – vice president
Fairhope Seniors Center “Sailing on Mobile Bay” – 4000 passengers, complimentary
Fairhope Seniors Center “Coffee & Conversation” – A decade of talk on issues

Past Local Organizations/Activities:
Fairhope Citizens Advisory Committee – member, chairman
Baldwin County Public Transit Coalition – member, secretary
Citizens for Responsible Government – member, secretary, chairman
Share the Beach – volunteer
Coastal Cleanup – volunteer, zone captain
Alabama Coastal Foundation Water Festival – volunteer
Fairhope Soccer League – coach
Fairhope High School Swim Club – timer, coach
Fairhope Area Swim Team – timer, stroke & turn judge

Local Awards:
Alabama Senior Citizens Hall of Fame Commission Golden Eagle Honorary Award
Baldwin County Environmental Achievement Award

govers (at) bellsouth.net


Anonymous said…
He is running against another developer is he not?
Anonymous said…
Gary is not a developer which is what we need to counterbalance developers.
Anonymous said…
Sounds like the kind of representation we need.
Anonymous said…
His yard signs are so pitiful looking though.
Anonymous said…
To the publisher: Are there any scheduled debates for Mayor/Council candidates?
Publisher said…
No. Not to my knowledge.
Publisher said…
Correction, we have been advised there is one scheduled for August 4 at the Homestead Village: 6:30 PM.
Anonymous said…
He is to grumpy.
Anonymous said…
I know him from the walkerline at school and boy scouts . Nice guy. No pretense. What you see is what you get. In reference to his sign quality: I'm happy to see someone apply a little elbow grease. Obviously, this guy is a frugal spender and isn't afraid to get his hands dirty and work hard. I like those qualities.
Margaret Neely said…
What does ugly signs or grumpy have to do with it? Sounds like this is someone we need to watch out for us!
Unknown said…
Vote for Gary Gover for City Council!!
Anonymous said…
Gary is the type of individual we need on the City Council. He has no personal agenda. It is all about service to the community. I will certainly be voting for him and encouraging others to do so as well.
Anonymous said…
Pray that Jesus will show all of our leaders the right path and give them strength to follow.