City Council Place One Campaign Contributions

Fairhope, Alabama


As of August 5th, incumbent Jack Burrell reported receiving a total of $9,790 in cash, including:

$500 from the Fairhope Realty Group (+ J. Teryl Reeves, FRG's registered agent, $122 in-kind/food)
$100 City attorney Marion Wynne.
$400 Jade Consulting, the city's contracted engineering firm
$50  Airport Authority Chairman Joe McEnernery.
$500 Eugene Warhust.
$500 JH Wright and Associates.
$500 Abbey Taylor
$250 Tony's Towing Inc.
$500 Gene Bouchillon
$500 Jet Automotive (Terry Thompson)
$400 Sandra Fralie
$200 Anchor Ag. Solutions Llc.
$250 Carriage Quarters, Llc.
$400 Mike Boothe
$100 Stankoski/Myrick Law Firm (Myrick is the city airport authority's hired attorney: Stankoskis attorney/ District Judge)
$250 WAS Design Inc.
$250 Vincent Boothe, Airport Authority member.
$250 Boothe Contracting (see above)

Challenger Meredith Smith has reported $0.00 in contributions.

(Candidates may contribute to their own campaigns. There is a $1000 threshold before reporting begins)

(The entire lists may be accessed from the Baldwin County website via a public records search -- deeds and records.)


Anonymous said…
Looks like a mismatch.
Anonymous said…
She seems to be a very good person and has a nice family, she should have ran against someone else. She probably would have been a better canidate than Karen Wilson after her showing at the forum slurging on that straw the whole time talking. Rude
cathy said…
Se has not been corrupted by money yet like lyin' jack has. gets my vote.
Anonymous said…
Wonder what the FRG gang is getting in return for their $500 bucks?
Hilbilly said…
jackey O. will do anything to help his cronies shove a noisy gigantic airport down our collective throats, by the book or not. Sezs it is all ok cause the feds pay for it all but I for one wrote a big check to the IRs earlier this year!
Anonymous said…
She looks like one of those liberal nerd tree huggers i see on tv.