City Council Place Three Campaign Contributions

Fairhope, Alabama


As of August 19th, incumbent Diana Brewer had reported a total of $8,178 contributed including:

$2,500 from Angus R. Cooper
$1,000 Barbara Nelson
$100 Tuscan Trading Inc.
$500 Olivia Avent
$200 Louis Mapp
$250 Kerry Flowers, City EAC chairman
$50 Martin Lanaux, Library Board chairman
$250 Billy Pearcy
$200 Arthur Tonsmiere

Challenger Jimmy Conyers reported a total of $6,815 (until Aug. 15th) including:

$250 from Taylor Norton
$200 Roger Guilian
$150 K9 Dental
$300 Stankoski/Myrick, Llc  Myrick is the Airport Authority's hired attorney
$200 Fairhope Realty Group
$1000 Adam and Reese Llp
$250 Sandy Tues llc
$350 Duck, Calhoun and Stone Llc
$1000 Volkert Llc
$500 Ross Cumbest
$400 David Wirtes
$100 Roland Neeson
$1000 RSR Llc
$250 Dale Marston

Challenger Murray Lawrence reported a total of $0.00 contributed.

The entire lists may be accessed from the Baldwin County website via a public records search.

(Some candidates for this and every other place may have contributed to their own campaigns.)


Anonymous said…
How interesting is the list of contributions donors.Funny how many of payouts come from so well questioned members of the community.Dads,friends,big business moguls.
Anonymous said…
$2500 to Brewer from angus Cooper? No wonder she voted for the apartments. His big money talks. Time for Conyers or Lawrence to take over.
Sandman said…
What exactly, if anything, does Mr. Cooper have to do with the apartments? Please don't respond if your opinion is based on anything less than verifiable facts.