Chairperson Nancy Anderson and other Recycling Committee members assisted recycling supervisor Dale Linder to collect electronics and shred documents today at the city's Pecan Street warehouse just north of the Public Works campus.
new baler inside warehouse
Some electronic devices contain toxic chemicals and contaminants (like lead) not suitable for landfills as well as traces of valuable metals (gold, silver) which can be re-used.
The city has just begun using the building to sort and bale recyclables to be shipped to a new vendor in Mobile (instead of the usual one in Loxley).
Some may be stored there as well, according to market conditions.
Linder said right now he usually has about four men working there, two of them work-release inmates from the Loxley corrections facility, but more may be needed if the program expands.
The fortunes of the city's recycling service have risen and fallen roughly with commodity prices: back in 2013 former mayor Kant called if "a mess." See:
Recycle Committee
Linder collecting electronics
Danny Boone said…
I'm glad to see so many involved in the recycling program. It's important to preserve what resources we do have, even if it comes as some expense. We only get one planet.