Fairhope Soccer Complex Opens

Fairhope, Alabama


Mayor Wilson made brief remarks at the opening of the $3.2 million, nine-field soccer complex this morning off Manley Road in east Fairhope.

Construction of the $3.1 million complex began in 2015; but the effort started with the purchase of the land way back in 2009 (click).

A state grant has been applied for to provide funding for additional bleachers and sidewalks.

Mayor Wilson


Anonymous said…
The publisher stated the mayor gave brief remarks - thank god!
Anonymous said…
Baseball and Softball had opening days too, and was glad she made brief comments at the soccer complex. As far back I can remember the Mayor and most council members always made it out to all the open days. How times have changed in just a few brief months. Fairhope is looking more like No Hope.
Anonymous said…
"Brevity is the soul of wit," somebody said.
Anonymous said…
William Shakespeare
Anonymous said…
Thus one must have a soul to have wit.
Anonymous said…
I hope that someone was there to thank Sherry Sullivan for her dedication to making this project a success. She was the guiding force behind the soccer fields from the beginning. Of course, one just has to take a look around Fairhope to see her hand in many of the city's successes, from the time that she became an adult here and learned the meaning of community service, long before she was paid to work for the good of the city. Talk to people who know her from her years with Thomas Hospital. She has dedicated her life to this city and its citizens. We have all been touched by the work that she has done. She is heartbroken and we, all of us, should be as well. We have lost the city's most valuable asset.
Anonymous said…
Why did Sherry Sullivan leave? I am sure that she was not let go w/o a good reason. Change is good; Fairhope does not 'belong' to anyone; sometimes managers begin to believe that they are irreplaceable and they do things that conflict with their mandates. We voted for a new Mayor and a new way of running this city; perhaps Ms. Sullivan refused to go with the tide.
Anonymous said…
Don't forget J.F. She put in a lot of time and work on that too.
Anonymous said…
Oh yeah, indeed Fairhope belongs to some, damn right it does, just ask them. They all say, yeah, he's or she's a Fairhopian, so if you are not born here then you can not be a Fairhopian, and if you are not a Fairhopian then you have no say in anything!

God save the Queen!

The two, sorry, four employees that were fired were sent to the Tower in Fairhope!

Indeed they were cast about only to find rest with the sodomites!
Anonymous said…
Fairhope, I hope you are ready for the influx of visitors that these tournaments, schools, leagues and etc that these fields are going to bring in.