Another Big Residential Development Approved On N. Hwy 98

Fairhope, Alabama

This post has been updated.

north is up


US 98 at Rock Creek Parkway.
The Planning Commission approved rezoning seventeen lots on 53.94 vacant acres (north of the creek) within city limits along the west side of Hwy 98 in the Montrose Village subdivision from R-1 residential to a Planned Unit Development containing seventy-seven residential lots of various sizes in a "cluster-style" design.

Access will be by the existing traffic signal at the entrance of the Rock Creek neighborhood only: it will have no other entrance as is usually required by the city's comprehensive plan to reduce traffic on major highways, a connection to Scenic Hwy 98 was included in two earlier design-versions (one a connection to existing streets, the alternate an entirely new road to Scenic 98) but did not make the final cut due to objections by some Montrose-neighborhood citizens (including former council member Debbie Quinn).

Traffic congestion along Hwy 98 has become a major issue in recent months, the state is currently installing synchronized adaptive signals all along the road north to I-10 in an attempt to speed things up.

A conservation easement along the north side of the creek itself is to be maintained by a homeowner's association, according to the project's engineer Dewberry/Preble Risch.

Maintaining natural buffers and obtaining all necessary permits from Baldwin County, ALDOT and ADEM were  conditions of approval as well.

Attorney Alan Chason represented the property owners Burgess Thomasson et al.


Since this is a PUD zoning-change ordinance, it is not covered by the the current moratorium on subdivisions but it will need city council approval; the mayor has no vote but may veto ordinances.

Detailed drainage and site plans will have to be approved at some point as well.

(This project has also been called the Thomasson PUD)

north is up


Anonymous said…
Forget it!!
Anonymous said…
This is great, we need some more affordable housing. As our population ages, smaller houses and lots will become the norm.
Anonymous said…
Somebody been pulling strings behind the scene it looks like.
Anonymous said…
Well over 43 million gallons of raw sewage spillage was reported last year in Mobile and Baldwin Co.Now if thats accurate (according to Bay Keepers.How can we allow the increase to the over burdened infrastructure of Fairhope and the eastern shore.Yet regulations set the bar so high is is almost cost prohibitive to build in Fairhope unless your a multi millionaire.The building fees are outrageous.
Anonymous said…
Mayor Wilson worked out a secret deal with het buddies and sold the rest of us out. Worse than Kant!
Anonymous said…
They need to start thinking about adding more lanes out on 98 or we all will get cut off some day.
Anonymous said…
Won't it fill in the creek with red clay if it is approved?
Anonymous said…
Why do you assume that Mayor Wilson is in favor of this? She has had nothing to do with it.
Anonymous said…
Fairhope did not spill 43 million gallons of sewer. In all the history of Fairhope it still would not have reached that number. Stop starting rumors
Anonymous said…
Everyone that takes public office has a good ole boy/girl thing going. They may say they will not fall into that category, but it always happens. Just some have fell into it way quicker.
Anonymous said…
It makes me laugh every time I hear the run off excuse. The same people complaining "rock creek, woodlands, high ridge road" it does not matter which one you name all had run off and dirt getting in the creek. Look up all the problems that rock creek had and still do with major cave ins and wash outs. The bridge is going to fall down because of the problem. Guess the city will have to pay that bill. Point is everyone living in the beautiful houses and yards had major running off in rock creek and the still live there. Why do you protest evertime mind your own business, house, yard, and property. Leave people alone.
Anonymous said…
Money talks.
Anonymous said…
I doubt if affordable is part of the criteria.
Publisher said…
Please do not mention city employees by name.
Anonymous said…
These developers are mayor Wilson's friends so she is not opposing this one.
Anonymous said…
Quinn's still a politician, never been known for truth telling .
Anonymous said…
It did take Mayor Wilson long to fall in line with the good-ole-boys did it~
Anonymous said…
Stop the lying!
Anonymous said…
Mostly new faces but the same ole corruption and backroom dealmaking Fairhope is famous for. :(
Anonymous said…
Growth, Growth and more Growth. The mayor said she would stop to all this growth but it seems the new folks the new mayor put on the planning commission didn't hear her POLITICAL rhetoric. They are all in this together!

They're all POLITICIANS just wanting to get elected with power!
Anonymous said…
Has the new planning commission had anything to do with these decisions? My understanding is that most of these projects (ESPECIALLY Fly Creek apartment complex) were approved by Mayor Kant's planning commission.
I do agree the the City Council Members should all be fired (other than Conyers)……..what a surprise to learn that Robert Brown is Arthur Corte's biggest fan! I had such high hopes for him to stand up to the rest of the sleaze in our city government but now he has pretty much admitted that he ran for Council to help Mr. Corte. So sad……he will throw his family under the bus to curry favor with his benefactor. I wonder where he will retire to someday when Fairhope is trashed!

Most of all, stop blaming Mayor Wilson for these horrible decisions. I go to or watch most of the meetings; she is as disgusted with the Council as we all are!
Anonymous said…
Here's what is interesting - I went back and looked at most of the politician's platforms was. No growth, almost all the one's (candidates) that were defeated in the past elections wanted no growth, but, today, we heard no growth and it sold. Then the mayor was elected based on no growth, and look at what is happening, growth.

This has been a theme for years now, not the past 4 or 5 but for years as in 12-16 years!

We'll, growth is as growth does!
Anonymous said…
It has been my unfortunate experience that women are much better liars than men. That seems to be the case here too.
Anonymous said…
Robert Brown is one of the smartest, one of the most professional on the council, he LISTENS before he speaks, then when he does speak everyone needs to listen.

I have been to most council workshops and meetings, the meetings that I can not make I watch on live stream. Brown, out of all the council members, ask the best questions but he listens to the answers. If he disagrees, he states so, he's his own man.

The others, especially the mayor, need to listen before they speak. And when they do speak, make the point then shut-up, Burrell and Wilson are not the most articulate on the council!

The mayor's gestures drive me crazy and she seems to talk herself into problems.

What I have really observed is the lady that was the new hire of the mayor seems to be running things around the city. Just an observation.

Just my opinion.
Anonymous said…
Please speak for yourself,

"she is as disgusted with the Council as we all are!"

The mayor may be and you may be disgusted but no, not all of us are disgusted.

It appears that Conyers enjoys knowing that his vote doesn't matter if he votes "no", thus he looks like a man of compromise.

Voting 'no' or asking for compromise is not compromise, being a good council member is OBTAINING compromise! So if we're firing folks, let us fire all of them, to include the mayor.

She can not find a compromise, and the council can not find a compromise. Fire them all!

Anyone can make the statement "let us compromise" but it is an easy statement to make!
Anonymous said…
What is the lady from Rock Creek who led the charge against the apartments and helped elect Karen doing these days?

Wilson hired her as personal secretary but now Kant's old secretary is doing that job again I heard.

Anonymous said…
Many things going on in city hall are strange!
Anonymous said…
It may help if the mayor stopped getting all her "facts" from fake news blogs run by psychos.

The parallels with Trump's situation are truly weird.
Anonymous said…
Happy Easter all and read up on the seven deadly sins, they are on large display on this blog, yes you.
Anonymous said…
Greed, Pride, Envy, Wrath and Sloth are five of the seven on display everyday in certain offices at city hall.

If anyone wants to see them in person, just walk the halls or maybe walk over to the bookstore. Or, I am quite sure you can obtain your on copy of the book at the local bookstore, for a price of course.

The best book to read about what goes on at city hall is The Dark Triad!

Happy Easter to all Christians, and for others, enjoy this beautiful day on the Gulf Coast.
Anonymous said…
What good is a moratorium if if does not halt developments?
Anonymous said…
You can try and place a moratorium, but if someone has property outside of the city limits and the city states the infrastructure is at capacity, and if the BCSS and other utilities are available, it is hard to stop development. A city may win the battle but in the end, the city will lose the war, and taxpayers will pay a heavy price.

In Alabama, the property owners have rights! That is way people buy property, if there is no covenant then a property owner has the right to do with their property as they see fit. This is not Russa.
Anonymous said…
This is a tough group to please. I predict some of the politicians will opt to not stand for re-election. The only problem with that is that we need someone to replace them . It looks to me that Brown and Boone will always back the developer. I am hoping Fly Creek is an outlier since they had to live with what the previous Council did. Wish they had called Corte's bluff. I am hopeful we'll start seeing some 3-2 votes with the new stuff. Time will tell. Karin is growing in her job, also. She is not as in your face recently as she was. Give them a few more months unless they screw up the budget.
Anonymous said…
Wilson comes across as mean spirited and vengeful to me. I do not know her though.
Anonymous said…
Sure, Karen has been stinking up the place but we cannot expect someone with no experience to walk in off the street and be a good mayor.

It is going to take some time.
Anonymous said…
Councilman Jimmy is Wilson's favorite yes man.
Anonymous said…
The rich fat cats on scenic 98 do not want any more traffic there.
Anonymous said…
Unchecked growth like the kind that is happening right now will absolutely destroy Fairhope. The local dim-bulbs hate the new mayor and love the developer loving city council bozos and their cronies in the admin that got us into this mess. We will be overrun with new massive apartment complexes until Fairhope is a crime-ridden craphole like most of the other towns in this region.
Anonymous said…
Maybe Wilson's twin sister could switch places and be mayor for a while.

She is supposed to be more level headed.
Anonymous said…
I have to agree with one poster about individuals running for city council, anyone that is intelligent, good business person, and perhaps really cares about the city will NOT run for office.

It is no win proposition, damn if you damn if you don't. AND those that always point fingers, accuse folks of wrongdoings. The mayor is good at that, all those city council members are blocking me.

Personally, from what I have observed, the mayor is her own worse enemy, she talks way too much. She talks so much that now, everything she says is discounted. She needs to make a point then STFU.

Would not run for any position in Fairhope! Nor serve on any committee!