Fairhope, Alabama


Anonymous said…
It is too late to amend the plan, once you continuously grant waivers, the plan becomes irrelevant.
Anonymous said…
I call BS on this. When the comprehensive plan was developed, even then Greeno Road was a busy 4-lane highway. I can't believe that people still believe this should still be considered as residential. The traffic count in 2015 was 25,000 cars a day. How can ANYONE still believe this should be kept residential is beyond me. Fairhope is so stagnate on the growth in this area. It could develop and grow and still not be Daphne or Airport Bldv. It could grow to help Fairhope, not hinder. Downtown will always be there, no more room for growth there, but people want to live in Fairhope, so we HAVE to grow with Fairhope. We are not going to be able to "KEEP FAIRHOPE" Fairhope forever.
Anonymous said…
The mayor did another survey recently. At the last council meeting, Lyn Maser said the results of the survey would be released last week. Have yet to see the results published.
Anonymous said…
You're missing the point. The publisher is simply saying to amend the plan, if necessary. However, to outright ignore the plan means that we really have NO PLAN, which is the worse possible scenario. But, trust me, the mayor have a plan, but she refuses to make it public.
Anonymous said…
Waivers for dollars?
Anonymous said…
Granting re zoning requests is promoting more growth not controling it.
Anonymous said…
What is BS is that people can not live on 4 lanes roads. Just look at Orange Beach and Gulf Shores. Also Colonial Acres here on Greeno!
Giorgi said…
I warn the citizens of Fairhope about unbridled growth. I have lived in 13 cities in 34 years and I have seen the past wreckages when the city council members voted growth for the sake of growth, as some of them had personal interests. The comprehensive plan should be respected and amended if necessary in a transparent way to the citizens. We should choose our elected officials VERY CAREFULLY!
Anonymous said…
I often wonder how the original plan and all the new waivers differ in considering public services such as police and fire, water & utilities personnel. Once all the new modifications are implemented, will we still have all services available when in need ??
Anonymous said…
Foolish and corrupt politicians along with simple basic greed will soon kill the golden goose that is Fairhope. More than a few cynical property and business owners in Fairhope frantically chasing dollars and caring nothing about anyone or anything else. Sadly there is no going back.
Giorgi said…
Vote smart the next time IN the local elections. If I was a city council member and I represent let's say home developing company, which way do you think I am going to vote? Study the background of the candidates CAREFULLY!!