Updated: Sewage Overflows Attributed To Nate

Fairhope, Alabama

Updated: City utility officials told the Times these overflows were caused when grinder pumps at private residences along the bay were inundated by the storm surge but continued pumping bay water into the city's lift stations, overwhelming the system.  99% of the overflow was water.

Twin Beech lift station.

Two sewage overflows were reported by Fairhope Utilities during hurricane Nate: one of 3,600 gallons from the Twin Beech Road lift station into Pt. Clear Creek; and the other of 8,400 gallons from the lift station at 12998 CR1 also in Point Clear, into a drainage ditch and Mobile Bay.

Both were caused by the over 4.5" of rain and 5' storm surge causing system backups;  a power outage on CR1 was a factor as well, according to the ADEM report.

Signs were posted at both sites and the areas disinfected.


Anonymous said…
Can't wait to hear from the other cities. Unless that are sneaky about it!
Anonymous said…
Private sewage companies never report themselves spilling a drop.
Odd isn't it?
Anonymous said…
Flowers look great!
Anonymous said…
Chemical pollutants in runoff are the real worry and they are not even monitored!
Anonymous said…
No no no not Nate. Fairhope is the problem but as always Fairhope looks for free ways to fix things and pass the blame.
Anonymous said…
Jack Burrell said that this is UNAVOIDABLE while he is in office.
Anonymous said…
Ignorance are all these comments. Hwy 1 station did run over due to EMC power outage from the wind blowing a fuse on the pole. But Fairhope ask citizens to make sure the grinder pumps were off so they did not pump bay water from storm surge into the system. How many septic tanks were working properly when the were over taken from bay water? The other station was overcome by storm water getting into the system from the Grand Hotel being flooded by storm surge. If everyone knows how to fix everything then why don't you work with the city instead of name calling all the time. How about someone writing a check for a few million and buy generator for the lift stations.
Anonymous said…
I might agree with above statement but unfortunately the sewage spills happen even with no “storm surge”. I would work for the city however I’m not qualified to fix the problem but evidentially neither iare the people Fairhope has hired. Fairhope residents pay very high water and sewage bills so I would say we are paying the bill. Fairhope needs to clean up their act this is a health hazard not only for residents but the water that goes into the bay and gulf. It is not the geese polluting the water it is Fairhope and epa needs to step in
Anonymous said…
Actually Fairhope water and sewer charge are some of the cheapest in the state.
Anonymous said…
stupid is as stupid does mama used to say
Anonymous said…
I disagree maybe your water bill. But I had numerous unexplained bills for 300 pllus. Why is this person quoting forest gump? The same person that is insecure about their intellectual status. Everything is stupid except them. My momma always said that if you find fault whith everyone else you should probably look in the mirror. This is the same person that rants on and on about killing geese. Idiot. I have lived other places and my water bills always averaged around the 30 to 50 mark Fairhope never gets under 150. I called and was told that the water has to be treated becau7it goes into the bay. What a load of crap
Anonymous said…
Sound like you have a bad water leak. If you have a new meter it will tell you gpm. Cut off everything inside and watch to see if you have a gpm reading or the smaller dial (very sensitive) is moving. Rates are like $10 $12 for 3000 gallons then like a few dollars per thousand after. Sewer is 110% of water. Cheap
Call the water guys they will come out to help find a leak, they helped me ended up being a toilet flapper letting water leak by.
Anonymous said…
Well if a Fairhope water bill is over 100 - 150 a system check would a recommendation,especially if you run the Fruit and Nut district.Many of the older feeds leak or are inadequate to service some of the newer construction.The city has gone to a new billing system and recently many fussed about their bills but failed to see that the new one was for more than one month for the billing system didn't bill for previous months.If one has a sprinkler system it may attached to you main meter.The city will work with a home owner to install a second meter to curtail sewage billing.What is so unfortunate the ugliness of comments for people on this blog.Makes them sound like a council meeting fussing at each other.
Anonymous said…
Nope, no water leak , no sprinkler system. Home is ten yrs old. We maintain toilets as well as all maintenance on home. To the last comment I never said anything about anyone negative. You sound guilty and trying to pass blame. I’m speaking the truth about a water bill