More Commercial Growth Approved For Greeno Road

Fairhope, Alabama

Park Place PUD


By a unanimous vote (Burrell absent), the city council gave final approval to the 'Park Place' PUD (Planned Unit Development) for the east side of Greeno Road (roughly across from Volanta Park): a mixed-useage project with residential on the second floor and limited commercial below (offices, services, retail, etc.).

The project does not comply with the city's current village model comprehensive growth plan; but a precedent was set by the similar 'Hayek PUD' located nearby (construction not yet begun) approved in 2016.

North Greeno road site


Also, the council decided to delay final consideration of a proposal to re-zone the nearby Green Nurseries property to commercial. It was introduced at the previous meeting, but the property owners have now agreed to some restrictions on allowed uses, so their proposal will have to be re-advertised to comply with state law (the restrictions are to be listed in the ordinance itself).

(Since the plant nursery existed long before zoning was adopted in that area, the business was grandfathered-in; allowed to continue operating in the residentially-zoned area.)
Another Airport Blvd. coming?

This proposal does not comply with the city's current comprehensive growth plan either, which sought to prevent another congested 'Airport Boulevard' from developing at the city's main entrance.

According to sources on the Planning Commission, other property owners along the highway are preparing similar commercial rezoning requests.

(Residential property at the Edwards Avenue intersection was rezoned to commercial at an earlier  meeting.)

Seeking B - 2 zoning

'Hayek PUD' approved in 2016


Anonymous said…
It is already another Airport Blvd. :(
Anonymous said…
If all the new people had not moved here would be the demand.
Anonymous said…
Rezoning property is promoting growth not controling it! :-(
Anonymous said…
It looks like a great project!
Anonymous said…
$heer $tupidity and greed aka "The Fairhope Way".
Anonymous said…
Why even have a “comprehensive plan” if it will be routinely ignored? The precedent has been set; once exceptions to the plan are made, following property owners will say “Me Too.” The Council will have to agree, otherwise charges of discrimination and favoritsm are made.

Also, what was the reasoning behind the decisions to exempt this property from the comprehensive plan? Nothing stated in article.

Publisher said…
Councilmembers reasoned that the highway is a "commercial corridor" unsuitable for residences or other activities; one said the area should be allowed to grow "organically."
Anonymous said…
This is a sneaky group of politicians who like to operate out of the public's view in violation of state sunshine laws.
Anonymous said…
Sheer Stupidity ---- I agree if your looking in a mirror
Anonymous said…
Stupid is as stupid does momma used to say!
Anonymous said…
Campaign donation dollars at work.
Isn't democracy great???
Anonymous said…
Some years back, every property owner along Greeno from Gayfer to 104, banded together as a group in an attempt to formulate a self imposed overlay district inclusive of one contiguous plan that would allow for the best use for each property as it meshed with the next. Tried for years to get city on board, city pretty much told everyone to go to hell, eminent domain had been the law of the land regarding greeno, long ago creating winners and loosers. Research for yourself, discover which politicians, their families and cronies were granted rezoning along greeno. What are property owners supposed to do? Just out of generousity, give the property up? Would u sacrifice your property? Hell no, but in a heartbeat, u'd tell orhers what to do with their property. From first comp plan to the last update, results were bought and paid for prior to any public hearings. U people need to check zoning maps, public records, find out who was invloved and who reaped great financial rewards. U know nothing of the political history of Fairhope, just move here after paying way too much for a house, and with that "investment" think u have a stake in the game and complain about everything from increased traffic to water/sewer, school overcrowding, which u caused! Complain u don't want an Airport blvd only so u won't have a wreck on greeno because u are continually looking at your phones and not paying attention to driving? U invest your entire life, your own blood, sweat and tears into helping create Fairhope, then your opinion might count. Go back from where you came or learn something before u spout off. Plus, keep reading about campaign contributions buying a decision. That was once the norm, beleive last election, contributing to anyone was more of a get rid of the old guard, not necessarily supporting anyone. Once out, new people easier to replace after one term.
Anonymous said…
3 of them, yes, agree. Thought one of the 3, newly elected, would be different, but deep into being manipulated. And in most cases all it takes is a vote by 3 to approve or deny.
Anonymous said…
Thank you sir or madam. You hit the nail on the head. This should be made in an open public post, be it a letter to the editor or to the city council, or heck - publish it on the front page of the newspaper. Glad someone finally realizes this and not all property owners are out for the greed. The property that has been in families for years when Greeno was a gravel dirt road and you felt safe raising your kids there is long gone.
Anonymous said…
The only way you can explain the rationale of some comments: At the end of the day, Fairhope is still in ALABAMA
Anonymous said…
to the poster who says Fairhope still in Alabama....why are u here if u are so ashamed? Heck, I've lived in most states, visited most of the ones I haven't lived in...will take Alabama over all of them in a heartbeat.
Anonymous said…
More traffic signals in our future.