Turner To Continue As Planning Commission Chairman

Fairhope, Alabama


The Planning and Zoning Commission unanimously elected Lee Turner to continue as its chairman for another year; Rebeca Bryant was selected as Vice-chair.

Turner, owner of a local insurance firm, has been the committee's chairman since 2013 when he took over from Jean Wilson who had resigned: He has also been elected President of the 'Fairhope Single Tax Corporation' for the past several years by that private corporation's members.

(Turner is one of only two remaining appointees from the Kant administration.)

Bryant, an architect for the local 'Watershed' firm, was appointed to the commission about six months ago by mayor Wilson.

Planning Commission members are appointed by the mayor and serve six year terms.


Giorgi said…
I would love to know what branch of the local government is in charge of approving lawn signs. A beautiful city is desecrated by commercial signs all over the place, city or county.
Those of you who might say, "what is the big deal" should visit the broken window theory [and is not theory if you look at the history of specific cities]

Anonymous said…
Fairhope Times needs to get updated pictures!
Publisher said…
We agree we need an updated photo, there have been changes ... .
Anonymous said…
Who would want the lousy job anyway?
Anonymous said…
I am so happy to see that Rebecca Bryant has joined the PC. She is such a talented and environmentally influenced architect and she clearly loves Fairhope and will want the best for the City.
Anonymous said…
If ever a conflict of interest, if ever a prime example of unethical in your face Kant crony practices, it's Turner not only on P&Z, but chair plus president of Single Tax Corp. He needs to go, but will shake his finger in your face telling u ethics commission aporoves, without documentation, of course. Other kant crony, a realtor, has sat on P&Z long enough where u'd think she'd know by now a PUD or rezone, approved by council, is permanent. After several years, no obvious knowledge gained, but would vote way kant said (maybe still does?) Only other person with any experience is Art Dyas, appointed by Karin, but he's the only one. Newest member, a long time insurance agent, knows nothing, which begs the question what is Mayor's criteria? Give her credit for not sitting on commission with voting powers (lawful) and for dismantling most of good old boy pay for play system, but no experience is not good. She seems to appoint on a whim. P&Z too important to chose based on no experience while those with a great deal of knowledge and who would make independent decisions based on ordinances and laws are being passed over. Watch online if u can't make meetings. Pretty evident Turner tries to lead down wrong path sometimes, Art brings back to reality (ordinances, laws), rest of them either make totally irrelevant suggestions, comments, react like deer in headlight looking to Emily, dept secretary to even determine how to make a motion! New planning director better than what had, but wonder if that's because of boot kant had on Jonathan's head. Dyess "real gov control person". P&Z better because broken up, but need to get experience on that commission before they really mess up...even city representative hasn't a clue.
Anonymous said…
Mayor Wilson simply has created her own GOB administration. Nothing new and more of the same. The Planning and Zoning commission is a mess and the City Council is a wreck. There might be only one council member that will get re-elected, maybe one. Wilson doesn't have a chance, if she decides to run again. Three more years of this mess. Unfortunately, a lot of wrong can be done in three years. Some good candidates for mayor and city council are seriously considering a run in the next election, thank goodness.
Anonymous said…
Our Government here has always been an embarrassment.
Anonymous said…
Which council member u think might get re elected? Boone has old guard behind him, will include malleable Brown again. Conners sticking to "I made campaign promises", even if those promises are legally impossible, Robinson uses legal skills to attempt to negotiate things which cannot be negotiated. Burrell wants to be mayor, talked out of running last election by Kant. Kant wanted one more term, then he'd get Jack in. May be why Jack has such a chip on his shoulder plus mentor is Bob Gentle. Could explain a lot. None of them would have treated Kant the way Karin (not a politician) has been treated, right or wrong.
Only good thing that can be said about this council right now is meetings have entirely different pervading tone to them when run by Robinson, no bullying