Fairhope Baptist Church Expansion Begins

Fairhope, Alabama


Ground breaking
Construction of the 12,000 square foot 'youth services' wing of Fairhope Baptist Church on south Section Street is beginning.

The church moved from its original Morphy Avenue location to its "new" Section Street building in 1956, according to reports from the time.

The original Morphy Avenue location opened in 1923.

New wing design

1956 photo

Original location on Morphy Avenue


Anonymous said…
Isn't Six Flags Over Jesus already big enough??? You can see it from space.
Anonymous said…
Good one!
Anonymous said…
Your brain isn't big enough... can't see it with a microscope.
Anonymous said…
That won't impact any of their parking will it?
Anonymous said…
Big political voting block...who needs districts when u have churches, teachers,squire of fairhope center members, dogs are human folks, etc...
Anonymous said…
Thanks to God that his message of love, grace, mercy, life and salvation is spreading and the church as a whole is growing! This country might be spared yet...
Anonymous said…
I wonder what Jesus would think of these Mega-Churches.
Anonymous said…
More runoff for Tatumville gully. where are the protesters?
Anonymous said…
They appear to have misjudged their parking capacity.......visitors to Six Flags were parked randomly all over the RESIDENTIAL neighborhood and in (non-Baptist's) yards on Sunday. They really need their own country because few of them appear to live close enough to walk.
When the City had a meeting about this more than a year ago, the room was packed. Questions were asked as to whom favored the Church by a show of hands......I don't think more than 3 of them lived in downtown/Fruit and Nut. I walk miles daily with my dogs and have never seen any of them. The City leaders never asked their addresses they could live north of Greeno......they are like a cult. They will go support any ill begotten notion for one another, regardless of its integrity. I am not maligning Baptists at all.......merely this Church that Kant enabled to take over the entire South side of Fairhope......guess he lives on the west side?
Anonymous said…
Sucked the light/life out of the neighborhood
Anonymous said…
Nope, actually he lives not too far from the Church.
Anonymous said…
I am very disappointed that this addition to an already overly large building has begun. When announced, I hoped the "powers that be" would have seen how something of this size could envelop this area of the fruit and nut district. Obviously not. Church goers park everywhere- definitely not in allotted "green space" parking. If this church continues to build, unchecked by building codes and common sense restrictions, it will destroy this area of town. Please, please tell me that no one else in this area has sold property to them. We don't need any more parking, definitely NOT asphalt!
Anonymous said…
"I wonder what Jesus would think of these Mega-Churches."

I think he would weep. And then he wonder why all of this money invested in real estate and buildings isn't being used improve our schools, help the elderly, the hungry, the mentally ill, the lonely and the single mothers who desperately need affordable child care.

Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
The church does everything you just mentioned and more. Jesus is smiling at what the church is has done and is doing. The churches in Fairhope are all growing and spreading his great word in a sad time in America. God Bless American
Anonymous said…
best and fastest way to find a hypocrite, church, Jesus on his return will destroy many.
Anonymous said…
No protester's needed for "more run-off for Tatumville Gully". Because the church has a self contained water run off retention collection system under it's parking lot.
And yes we do have hypocrites in our church, even though we still spray for them regularly!
Anonymous said…
How many on here think their a hypocrite, answer 0
How many on here are hypocrites, answer most
Anonymous said…
Any sinners here?