Lonely Goose Awaits Injured Companion's Return

Fairhope, Alabama

Update: The geese were reunited about a week later.

Fairhope goose misses friend


Happier days
A white goose was pacing and appeared clearly in distress early this morning at the beach park, perhaps missing its long-time companion whose foot was severely injured about two weeks ago and subsequently was removed by the city's animal control officer to the Orange Beach Wildlife Center for treatment.

A spokesperson for the center told the Times the goose is being treated with antibiotics to reduce swelling before returning it to its "mate" (hopefully).

Fairhope resident Bobbi York was instrumental in the rescue; and other  citizens who had befriended the pair over the years have expressed concern as well.

Its thought a fox or some other animal was responsible for the injury.


Anonymous said…
Looks like a feral cat injury.
Anonymous said…
that goose is acting like most of the commenters on here, yes that's you
Anonymous said…
Thank you for taking care of the injured goose. They should have taken his companion with them as they mate for life. This makes me happy that someone helped this goose. I called wildlife authorities a few years ago about blue heron standing in the parking lot by the fountain with a broken leg. I was told there is a lot of sadness in nature and we can not interfere That made me angry and I lost so much respect for them. I was told the same thing when I called about a pelican that was clearly having a hard time at duck pond. I guess we have more compassionate people in authority now. That is good news
Anonymous said…
With over 40 cats living in a very close proximity of the duck pond, that's more likely of what happened.
Anonymous said…
I wish that this goose could have gone along with its mate to be with her/his recovery. Imagine that their stress would be lessened if they could be together even if they are in temporary captivity.
Anonymous said…
Fairhope should do more to trap and neuter these feral cats........the cat poop is horrible and the cats are homeless. We are not doing the best thing by constantly feeding and letting them multiply.
Anonymous said…
That is a fake comment. there are no more feral cats there.
Anonymous said…
get rid of the cats and you'll have a rodent problem
Anonymous said…
Hmmmm.... I have never come across “cat “poop” at the duck pond. Cats typically bury their poop. I think someone here just wants to fuss about something. The story is about a goose that is getting the care that he needs and companion is missing him. How is this about cats? The goose could have been injured a many of ways. ( could have been a mean person) the good news is that we have great resources and authority that is willing to help. This is great news and a good story. I hope to hear a follow up story. Thanks.
Anonymous said…
I agree about trapping and neutering or re-locating the feral cats. They and those who leave food out for them are becoming a menace. The cat poop is everywhere.
Anonymous said…
I do not know how you people are determining that it is cat poop. I personally am a dog person but a lover of all animals. Im sitting here laughing to myself as you complain about cat poop dog poop goose poop Humans are the nastiest creatures. I saw human poop at volanta Park and it was clearly human
Anonymous said…
When the hundreds of canada geese come back,it will all be goose crap.
Anonymous said…
Any updates?
Publisher said…
Its not looking good they say: antibiotics not working on the infection.
Anonymous said…
Oh no, I did not expect that answer. The pictures did not appear bad. Thank you for replying. I hope he pulls through.