More Streets To Be Closed For Next Art Walk

Fairhope, Alabama

Johnson Avenue to be closed


The city council approved closing more streets for the May 4th First Friday Art Walk, to allow for more room for pedestrians and street musicians -- and for what is being called a "parking rodeo" on Johnson Avenue, where citizens will be able to use a car provided by the city (with insurance) to "practice" the new reverse (back-in) angle parking that is being planned there.

Besides the usual De La Mare, Fairhope Avenue will be closed as well from Section Street to Church Street for the 6 - 8 PM event.

Crowds gathering to listen to musicians often extend out into the streets, causing safety concerns for police.


Giorgi said…
Watch the amount of bender fenders for a while until everyone gets used to it
Anonymous said…
demolition derby.
Anonymous said…
Accident waiting to happen. Sure people can "practice" while it is being supervised, but what happens on a regular business day and all the traffic?
Anonymous said…
those on here complaining have too much time to waste, how about volunteering some of that time to direct people while they back up, sense your such experts, along with helping prevent accidents you’ll be doing something useful for a change
Anonymous said…
I lived in a place for a short period of time where this was used. It is similar to parallel parking, only easier.
Anonymous said…
Johnson ought to be a one way street.
Anonymous said…
At first I thought the Flower Clock was the worst idea ever.
Then, I heard about the proposed roundabout at the intersection where the Flower Clock is.

Those pale in comparison to this.
Anonymous said…
I agree with #thefairhopeway. I would be so happy if our City Council could come up with a way to use our tax dollars to make Fairhope better........sewer upgrades, road resurfacing in the Fruit & Nut, beach renourishment?

What a waste of money these vanity projects typically become. The clock is a joke; I hope that the Johnson Road parking works out but I don't have high hopes. Typically, cars are bumper to bumper b/c of the poor light timing and the over building here.
