Political Signs Being Illegally Posted

Fairhope, Alabama

Right of the pole is public property


Numerous signs posted by advocates for the various candidates competing for office in the upcoming primary election appear to be posted on city, county, or state road right of ways -- or other public property.

Other signs too.
State and city law prohibits using public property; they may be installed only on private property with permission of landowners.

It may be hard to determine sometimes, but generally public property begins just outside of utility (telephone) poles, or sidewalks when they are present.

We noticed other types of signs (non political) illegally posted as well; enforcement is usually "complaint driven" -- nothing can be done until citizens make complaints.

Greeno Road at Hwy 104 on city/state property

Non political sign illegally posted on Greeno Rd.


anonymousfairhope said…
I don't understand the "complaint driven" policy. I was told a long time ago that yard sale signs are not allowed at the end of streets, etc. in Fairhope. Yet people put them out. And what about realtor signs for open houses?

So if it's a city law or ordinance, why isn't it enforced without waiting for a complaint? And if it's not enforced, then why have it as a law? And what are the fines for breaking this law?
Publisher said…
Usually someone would have to report a possible violation. A police department official told us no complaints have been received so far. Crews mowing the right of ways sometimes remove them as well.
Anonymous said…
it is not fair to the ones trying to do it right.